Hi guys! With Halloween only a week away, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the cutest Elmo I've ever seen. I might be a bit biased...
Kalia is absolutely obsessed with Elmo. We still don't let her watch TV, so all she's seen of Elmo is books and dolls, but she can't get enough of him. Half of the time when we ask her what her name is, she says "Elmo!". Goofy girl!
I got the idea for this costume from this picture I saw here.
I started to tie my tulle around the elastic like she said she did in that post, but I ran out of tulle really quickly. Because I'm semi lazy, and I didn't want this costume to cost more than $10 (it cost $8 - woot!), I didn't end up doing it that way.
To make mine, I first cut the tulle into 6" strips. After that, I took Fabri-tac and glue them around a piece of elastic measured to fit around Kalia's chest under the arms. I glued on one side then double wrapped it around the elastic to hide the elastic from showing.
I thought about going back to buy more tulle at this point because it was pretty thin, but Kalia hated the feel of the tulle against her skin, even with a onesie on. She kept saying "off, off, off!!" So I took an old red paint shirt and cut it up and Fabri-tac'd that to the inside of the costume as well.
I just used white, orange, and black felt to make Elmo's face and again, used my trusty Fabri-tac to glue that onto the dress. Kalia got so excited at that point "ELMO!!! ELMO!!! ELLLMMMOOOOO!!!!" That was more like the reaction I was going for!
I Fabri-tac'd the ribbon make a halter style dress that I can tie in the back of her neck.
After I took these pictures, I cut the length of the dress a bit, it was a wee bit too long for her! Just for reference, I had them cut 108" x 2 feet for the tulle. For those of you that are craft challenged like me, it might help! I just took some of the left over tulle and tied it around a white headband she already had.
Hope everyone has a great Halloween!! I've been working on a ton of house projects, but most of the time, I either can do them or blog about them! Hopefully the hubs job will slow down here shortly and I'll get some time to catch up on here...

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I got the idea for this costume from this picture I saw here.
I started to tie my tulle around the elastic like she said she did in that post, but I ran out of tulle really quickly. Because I'm semi lazy, and I didn't want this costume to cost more than $10 (it cost $8 - woot!), I didn't end up doing it that way.
To make mine, I first cut the tulle into 6" strips. After that, I took Fabri-tac and glue them around a piece of elastic measured to fit around Kalia's chest under the arms. I glued on one side then double wrapped it around the elastic to hide the elastic from showing.
I thought about going back to buy more tulle at this point because it was pretty thin, but Kalia hated the feel of the tulle against her skin, even with a onesie on. She kept saying "off, off, off!!" So I took an old red paint shirt and cut it up and Fabri-tac'd that to the inside of the costume as well.
I just used white, orange, and black felt to make Elmo's face and again, used my trusty Fabri-tac to glue that onto the dress. Kalia got so excited at that point "ELMO!!! ELMO!!! ELLLMMMOOOOO!!!!" That was more like the reaction I was going for!
I Fabri-tac'd the ribbon make a halter style dress that I can tie in the back of her neck.
After I took these pictures, I cut the length of the dress a bit, it was a wee bit too long for her! Just for reference, I had them cut 108" x 2 feet for the tulle. For those of you that are craft challenged like me, it might help! I just took some of the left over tulle and tied it around a white headband she already had.
Hope everyone has a great Halloween!! I've been working on a ton of house projects, but most of the time, I either can do them or blog about them! Hopefully the hubs job will slow down here shortly and I'll get some time to catch up on here...