Friday was my 28th Birthday. I've decided that early, mid, and late 20's no longer applies. I am now just in my 20's. I didn't get any older, just better!
Chris woke me up with breakfast on Friday. Strawberry covered pancakes with whip cream on top...yuuum!!! He asked me if I wanted him to make me dinner and I just laughed at him. While he does try in the kitchen occasionally, he's much better at turning on the oven, taking something out of the freezer, putting it on a baking sheet, and setting the timer these days. His cooking skills with school and work combined have gone waaaay down. That's okay though, my breakfast was delicious!!

We had our friends from Gainesville come into town for the weekend, and my PT (paper twin) Erin cooked everyone a yummy dinner and brought it over. We played Taboo and Apples to Apples. I wanted a mellow birthday weekend...the past few weekends have been a bit much for me!
On Saturday, Erin, Janelle, and I headed to the Strawberry Festival to meet 2 of my other friends (coincidentally named Erin and Chris also), and to show my PT Erin what the Strawberry Festival was all about. Erin caught the most entertaining part of it on video. Pig Races. They were hilarious. Heats 1 and 2 were actually really fast.
Click here to check out heat two. (And yes, the bleachers are packed. We got there early to get our seats!)
Heat three was the funniest though. Erin couldn't get them all of the way around (bandwidth reasons), but the
beginning is funny enough to watch. The initial front runner had to stop to use the rest room and wound up finishing last.
On Sunday, we met up with 2 more of our friends the 4 of us (Janelle, Yulander, Chris, and myself) played quite a few games of beach volleyball. One of my friends out there's daughters made me cupcakes for my birthday, so everyone joined in singing Happy Birthday to me with the kids. It was super cute and sweet!
I had such a great birthday weekend...I am blessed every day to be surrounded by the people I am in my life!!!
Happy Monday!