
Friday, February 25, 2011

Nursery Room - Closet Design

I'm not an interior designer.  The only type of designer I can even somewhat claim to be is a chip designer.  Nope, not potato chips, computer chips.  And which one of you cares about that?  No one.  So when it comes to designing things for a room, I go to the drawing board...a lot.  I'm an Engineer, so my thought process is, for the most part, very practical.  I like things to be functional, logical, and then eye appeasing all at the same time.

Well, Chris is an Engineer too.  And he's taking over my go-go-go mentality / work ethic when it comes to the nursery here lately to pick up my slack.  So any input he wants to have, I welcome (and actually love).

What does all of this have to do with anything?  Well, I came up with a closet design a few weeks back and sent it over to Chris.  Being the Engineer that he is, he sent me back his vision of the closet design that didn't really look too much at all like my vision.

Here's mine :

Kara's Closet Design

And here's Chris's:

Chris's Closet Design

Oiy.  The joys of having two Engineers in a marriage!!  Kodi obviously liked my closet design better, so that was two votes to one, so my design won.


No, not really.  We weighed out the pros and cons of each closet design and came up with a solution that we're both happy with.

We liked the shoe shelves / cubby holes from my design.  She is a girl, lets face it, she most likely will have lots of shoes. I also designed them wide enough to hold jeans or sweaters, and they're big enough to hold baskets too, so my cubby holes are multi-functional.

Chris's design had large pieces of wood floating from the wall to create a box with the mirror / pillows on top of the toy box.  The point of the frame was to hang the closet racks on it, but it really served no other purpose.  The frame would've had to have been at least 12'' off from the wall too because that's where our rods are going to hang, so we completely nixed the frame out idea and just left the cubby hole idea.

We did modify my cubby hole plans to be 16'' deep instead of 12.  We can fit larger baskets in the holes that way, and it allows us to use more of the actual closet space.

Chris's design did have cubby holes, but they were 12'' high at the very very bottom.  He actually wanted to divide those 'boxes' that are at 12'' into two's, so he gave her four cubby holes.  The problem with this is that we do want the closet to grow with her, and taller cubby holes serves this purpose a little bit better.  And hanging clothes 12'' apart from cubby holes seemed cramped for when she gets bigger.

My 26'' bottom row is pretty low, but that will allow her to dress herself at some point.  Because if she's anything like Chris and I, she will be fiercly independent.  And with my closet design, I've made the rest of the levels unreachable for her to start off with, which means I can hang clothes that I want her to pick out on the bottom hanger while still allowing her to feel independent.  I gotta try to outsmart her when I can!  Yeah, I know, it's a losing battle.

The one thing we did take from Chris's design and implement was adding one large shelf at the top.  We took out my top two cubby holes and added a large shelf across the top.  Cubby holes that high aren't going to get used for much.  The top shelf can be used to put up stuff that she won't need year round.  The more storage, the better, right?!

In the world of nursery decorating, right now we're at a score of Kara : 2, Chris : 0.  I get to claim my bookshelves too!  Although, I do have to be fair here...Chris has done a lot more of the manual labor than I have recently.  You can constantly hear me grumbling around at any given point with some of these projects muttering "too fat, too fat".  It's really fun when your belly is full of paint because you're not used to be so large and you run into everything!  Nothing like a big 'ol belly filled with paint...and belly paint smears in all of our paint projects...sigh.

We got almost all of this done this past weekend, but have a few finishing touches to do before giving you a big reveal, so tune in next week for closet fun week!!  Yes, I'm a dork, I get excited about our custom closets, I know.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Happy Friday!!

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nursery Room - Book Shelves

One of the many blogs I follow for design inspiration and ideas  is House of Turquoise.  Back in November, really before I even started plotting and planning for the nursery, a post came up with a nursery, and there was an idea that I knew I wanted to implement.  The design is from Elizabeth Sullivan.

Image Source
Those book shelves.  I had to have them for the nursery.  I absolutely love to read.  As a kid, if I wasn't playing some sort of sport, you could find me with my nose in a book.  I actually used to even get in trouble for reading...I'd sneak into the closet well after bedtime, turn on the light in there, and get lost in a book.  My parents would come in and scold me.  I was that kid.  So this wall of books has been haunting my nursery visions for quite some time.

The bookshelves themselves are actually pretty simple to make.  I measured where I wanted them to go on the wall, and came up with 6 bookshelves that were 5 ft long.

We got five 10 ft boards of 1x4's, and five 6 ft of 1x2 boards.  They didn't have the 1x2's in the 10ft size, otherwise we just would've gotten 2 of those and one 6 ft board.  The 1x4's were for the back and the bottom, and the 1x2's were for the front.

We started on these a few weeks back during the week.  After dinner, we'd go out and put a few more shelves together.

First, we cut the 1x10's in half :

And then we pre-drilled screw holes in the back and attached the two 1x4's to each other.

Next, we applied glue to the front of the 1x4...

Then clamped either end of the 1x2 to the 1x4 to hold the boards into place, and then we nailed the pieces together.

So when we were done, we had six of these :

Chris thought initially that we were making the shelves too wide, and that the 1x4's should go on top of each other.  I told him I was sure Ana had plans for something similar, so we came in to check to see, and sure enough...she does!  If you want step by step plans on how to do this with pretty pictures, go see Ana White's post on how-to build it here.  And if you want to build anything else, do a search for a plan there.  She probably has the how-to's drawn up.  She's amazing.

I was actually getting anxious to get all of these built.  So anxious in fact that Chris took my nail gun from me.  He left for a volleyball game one night, and I told him I was too tired to go.  He was fine with that, but as he was walking out the door he said "oh, and no nail gunning while I'm gone!!!"  What?!?!?!  He literally TOOK MY nail gun (remember, it was MY birthday present from last year!!!) with him to volleyball.  He said a pregnant wife + a nail gun + home alone + night time did not add up.  Sigh...

Which is why I got to multi-tasking on our floor installation.  While Chris was hammering away at the floors, in-between making cuts for the edges for him, I primed and sanded all 6 of these bookshelves.

This past weekend, Chris and I split up painting duties.  It was such a beautiful weekend that we could both be outside painting.  He was priming our next project while I was putting layer upon layer upon layer of beautiful white paint on these bad boys.  I'd paint them, sand them down some, and paint them again.  I really wanted them to be a bright white and have a smooth finish.  I finished up with a coat of minwax's water based polycrylic.  It's the only top coat I'll use for white painted furniture.  It goes on and dries clear without yellowing the piece like typical polyurethanes do.

Finally, these bookshelves were ready for installation!  We found the studs in the wall, and screwed directly into those all the way up.  We had to be careful to keep these level and mount them exactly the same space apart from the wall.  We didn't want any sort of leaning effect going on in here!

After we had gotten them all up on the wall, I caulked in the screw holes.  I went back the next day and added yet another coat of paint to the backs and fronts of these.  My T.Mom had sent over some books for me to use here, and my girlfriend Steph got us a waikiki lullaby book, so we added in what books we had, and I absolutely LOVE the end result!

Obviously, she needs more books!  And we'll want to mix in the tall and short books, so that the bookshelves are more visually appealing.  Like the bottom two rows.

I seriously could not be any happier with how this turned out.  I love love LOVE it!  Chris was really unsure of the project until we put the books on, and he's thrilled too.  The top shelf is his shelf.  That's the books that Daddy gets to read to her, since he's the only one that can reach it!  I'll try to keep more of the soft / touch books on the bottom shelves to start off with.

And because I'm a sucker for a good before and after...  I took a picture of each wall once we got the junk cleaned out.  Here's what that wall looked like a month ago :

And here's what it looks like now!

What do you think?!  Are you as enamored by it as we are?!  This wall seriously makes me so giddy every time I walk into her nursery.  I love the way it's all turning out!

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Hope you guys are having a fantasic week!

Update : Want to see the bookshelves fully filled?!  Click on this link to check it out!
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I'm linking up to the parties in my sidebar!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nursery Room - Window Treatments

The nursery is starting to get some life to it!  Because we're doing a lot of diy work in there, things have to happen in a certain order.  Chris hates putting things on the wall, but agreed that after the quarter round molding was up, the next thing that needed to get put up was the curtains.

I bought the 79'' Hava double curtain rod from Ikea.  Well, we only really needed 75'' for above our window.  The rod wasn't really adjustable on its own, so Chris got out the pipe cutters and with a little twisting magic...

We got rid of the extra 4'' very easily.

We put this cut side against the closet wall, where no one will ever know the difference!  I think we could've shoved the end caps back on, but it really didn't seem worth the effort.

I just learned this trick when hanging curtains over at Young House Love.  When drilling the holes for the screws to anchor your rod into, put a piece of folded tape under where your hole is going to go to catch the excess drywall that will fall out.

That way, your mess is on the tape, and not on your floor!

Chris thought this was the coolest trick ever!  Ahh...the little things!

The curtains I got from Ikea.  I thought I hated them the first bit that they were up.  Actually, I thought I hated them until we finished up a million more projects this weekend, and now I think they're perfect.  I'm going to make tie backs to hold the curtains together ('m debating between the plum/pink color or the white color, which is why my two scraps of fabric don't match), and we're planning on adding some bamboo blinds to cover the window in here too.

When Erin and I initially bought these curtains, I loved the idea that the white in front calmed down the pink while still allowing some of it to show through.  So it doesn't scream "HEY, I'm a PINK CURTAIN, LOOK AT ME!!!", it's more of a pretty in pink thing it's got going on.  And I liked that the pattern on the white brought in some softness and girliness to the room too.  Chris says with most of my tastes, our little girl is going to have gender identity issues.

But, if I'm being honest, I think this picture makes the curtains look ugly.  I think it looks sort of doily-ish and Grandma like.  After all of our projects we got accomplished this past weekend, I changed my tune.   I think they look perfect in there!  Happy happy joy joy!  The curtains can stay!  Oh, and also on the to-do list is hemming the curtains (Ikea provides hemming tape with all of their curtains...score!).

What do you think?  Is it love at first sight for you, or do you need to see more of the room to make a final decision also?  I promise more pretty posts are coming up!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Nursery Room : Finishing up the Floors

Oh, what a busy busy week it's been!

We actually have off today, thankfully, but before I start back at the nursery, I thought I'd share at least one post on our progress.

During the week last week, Chris and I put two coats of paint on the quarter round molding.  Thursday night, it was ready for installation!  Chris nailed the boards into place, and I went around and caulked in the nail holes and caulked the seam where the quarter round met the baseboard.  On Saturday, I gave all of it a nice shiny white coat of paint to blend it all in seamlessly, and we absolutely LOVE the end result!!

It really finishes off the floors perfectly and blends right in with the existing baseboards.

To those of you looking to do this yourself, we did go through two different types of quarter round molding to find the right one that would work.  The white oak quarter round molding from Lowe's wouldn't take paint, or even primer.  Everything just bubbled off of it and what did stick looked like it was smeared on instead of painted.  Those went back, and the normal pine ones came home with us.  These accepted paint MUCH  better so now they blend with the floors instead of having two different tones of whites against each other.

And do you notice the little snippet of something hanging from the window?!

Stay tuned to see exactly what it is!!  We've been busy in here!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!  Happy Monday!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day Recipes

Normally for Valentine's Day, we do small things for each other.  We write sweet letters, leave hidden notes in places, bring the other one coffee in bed, etc..  If we do buy gifts, they're pretty small.  Sometimes one of us makes dinner for the other one, which varies year to year, and other years we'll go out to celebrate.

Keeping up with our normal Valentine's Day routines, I bought Chris a pair of slippers.  He's been complaining about getting up and walking around with his feet freezing, so I thought it was a cute gift that he didn't necessarily ask for.

And he got me beautiful diamond earrings.


Chris's reasoning was that it's the last time he can go 'big' with these kinds of gifts.  After May, our priorities shift with little Miss Hart coming into the world.

But that's okay...even though our gifts are lopsided, which we never actually care about, I know my husband well enough (and he knows me well enough) to know that for him, the way to his heart is through his stomach, and for me...Diamonds are a girls best friend!

Chris came home from work to this in the making :

Apple Onion Pork Tenderloin with glazed carrots and mashed potatoes.  I really wanted to put this on our fancy china and actually plate it so it was really pretty.  I'm clumsy enough as is though, and adding pregnancy instability to that made me decide to just use our every day plates.  It took me about two hours to make this from start to finish, and it was absolutely delicious.  Not just being arrogant here, it really was!  Recipe at the bottom of this post!

After we ate dinner, we had to rush off to Chris's volleyball game.  So romantic, I know!  It's so hard to sit on the bleachers and just watch and not be able to play!  He won all three games (yay!) and then we headed home for dessert.

And as most of you know, I do not bake.  But I did have something fancy planned for dessert.

Banana Foster (sans foster for my preggo self!) fondue.  Eat your heart out Melting Pot...mine was sooo good!!!  Recipe for that at the bottom of this post too.  This one is simple!

So that's our Valentine's Day in a nutshell.  I tried to fatten Chris up, and he dazzled me with diamonds.  So sweet, right?!

Here's the promised recipes.  Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


Apple Onion Pork Tenderloin:
1 pork tenderloin, cleaned and divided in half. (I saved the second half and will cook that this week with the left over sauce.  You could cook both though if you'd like a bigger serving).
1 red onion, thinly sliced.
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, seeded, and cut into 8 wedges
2 cups apple cider
1/2 cup apple sauce
1 1/4 cup reisling wine (any sweet white wine will do)
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons unsalted butter (cut into small cubes) (I just used spread)
1/2 cup chicken stock
8 whole cloves
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 cup all purpose seasoning (I have no idea what this is...I just used my chicken and poultry seasoning, and it tasted fabulous!!)
1 tablespoon black cracked pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil (I used olive oil)

Combine apple cider, 1 cup of wine, cloves, cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, and chicken stock in 1 1/2 quart sauce pan.  Cook on medium high heat and reduce by half.  Remove from heat and set aside.
Coat pork tenderloin with all purpose seasoning and press cracked pepper into meat until it's thoroughly coated.
Pre-heat small skillet on medium heat.  When hot, add oil to coat bottom of the pan.  Place pork in pan, and slowly turn meat as it browns.  When its browned, remove from pan and place in a broiler on 350 degrees and set 10 inches from heat.  Cook until the center is 150 degrees (depending on the thickness of your tenderloin, this can take between 45 - 60 mins).  Remove from broiler and let rest (don't cut into it just yet!).
Finish the sauce by removing cloves from liquid, return pan to heat and whisk briskly.  When mixture just begins to steam, not boil, add apple sauce and remaining brown sugar.  Remove from heat and whisk vigorously to blend completely.
Using the same skillet you cooked the pork in, add butter, apples, and red onion slices and return to heat.  Slowly stire ingredients until apples and onions begin to brown.  Remove from heat, add 1/4 cup wine and stir well to deglaze the pan (I skipped the added wine here since it wouldn't be I can't say what that part tastes like, but the apples and onions were surprisingly (to us anyways!) delicious!)
Take pork tenderloins and slice in half-inch medallions.  Pool sauce on service plate and place slices of pork so they slightly overlap each other.  Arrange apple and onion mixture around meat.  Pour sauce around apples and onions as desired.

Bananas Foster Fondue

4 ounces white chocolate, chopped into small pieces
4 ounces caramel
1/2 banana, peeled and thinly sliced
1 tsp banana liqueur (I left this out, but would try it if I wasn't pregnant!)
1 tsp spiced rum (ditto here!)
desserts for dipping into fondue (I used pound cake, cheesecake, marshallows, rice krispy treats, bananas, and strawberries)
Melt chocolate in microwave in 30 second increments.  Stir inbetween each iteration of the microwave, until its melted.
Place banana slices in the bottom of the fondue bowl.
Pour melting chocolate ontop of bananas.
Blend the caramel with the warm chocolate on top of the bananas.
I just enjoyed this from here, but if you're not pregnant : add banana liqueur and rum to the pot and carefully stir the mixture together.

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I'm linking up to the parties on my sidebar.  Go check out everyone else's yummy recipes!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nursery Room - Installing Bamboo Floors

Yep, you read that right!  We got the floors in this weekend...Woo Hoo!!!  It's really about 90% done in there flooring wise, so although it isn't complete, I'll take it!

We started on the floors Saturday morning.  Well, Chris started on the floors.  I've mentioned my lack of patience a million times here, so it should come as no surprise that I have zero patience when it comes to laying plastic down.  Chris took over laying down the water vapor proof sub flooring (basically a thick roll of plastic) while I went outside and worked on another project.  It actually took the better part of two hours to get all of this laid out smoothly and taped down.  Good job Chris!!

Then we analyzed for what seemed like another 2 hours (not really, but it sure felt that way!) to figure out how we were going to lay our pattern.  We were beyond ecstatic when we got the entire first row done.

Especially because we started with the hardest side of the room...the closet!  We broke out one of our new tools, our brand new router, a Christmas gift from my Dad and T. Mom to make the perfect cut for here.  I love playing with new tools!!  We cut up paint sticks and inserted them along the walls to allow the floors to expand so that we don't have buckling later.  I laid this initial row.

Then the neighbors came calling.  While I was outside earlier working on my other project, their tree guy had come down and asked if I'd like to take some of the oak wood that they were cutting down to use for fire wood.  I told him that we'd love to, and that we'd just come down when they were done and load it into the truck.

When the neighbor came down, he asked if we were using the wood to build a fire or a house, because his tree guys were wrapping things up and there was a ton of wood, lots of them over 24 inches in width.  Ha! Suuure...that's a great idea to leave for a 6 1/2 month pregnant lady and her hubby to haul.  Sheesh!

So, we took a 4 hour break, loaded up the back of Chris's truck with the fire wood we wanted, and then hauled the fire wood to the back yard and stacked it up.

None of this existed prior to Saturday afternoon.  Not exactly the break we were hoping for in the middle of laying our floors, but free good wood is hard to come by!

By the time we called it quits on Saturday night, we had only made it through laying 6 rows of flooring.  For the last two rows, we figured out an efficient system that worked for us.  Chris laid the floors and banged them together, and I made the cuts outside on the miter saw.  The hard concrete floors, my ever growing pregnant belly and aching pregnant back that don't like to repeatedly get up and down, and the loud noise that we made by banging the floors together were all a bit much for me.  Power tools - more up my pregnant ally!!

This is where we started off Sunday morning.  I setup at our 'station' outside, and Chris hammered away laying down the floors in here.

You can see my other project in the background here.  While I waited for Chris to finish up laying a row and tell me the measurements for my next cuts, I worked on my other project.  Multi-tasking at it's finest!  This was setup right outside of the nursery bedroom window.

Here's a shot of Chris hammering away the very last full piece into place.  We used a scrap piece of flooring with the cork side towards the good piece of flooring, and beat on it with a hammer until they locked in.

He also kept his back leg on the other end of the board than he was hammering.  This helped keep the board more level and made it so it'd slide in easier.  These were actually not very easy to get to lock had to bang them pretty hard and keep a good amount of pressure on them.

Finally, by yesterday afternoon, we had floors!!!

Before doing any floor installation, I normally would've removed the baseboards.  We did it will all of our old house remodels, and I just think it really makes for a more clean and finished look.  However, the previous owners of this house did not simply nail the baseboards on.  Oh no, that would've been entirely too easy.  They GLUED the baseboards on, making it impossible for us to remove them without destroying them.  And these bad boys are the nice 5'' tall baseboards, so there's so way I'm wasting those!

We went to Home Depot yesterday afternoon and got the quarter round molding to install around where the floor meets the baseboards.  We're hoping to give it a coat of shiny white paint and install them after work one day this week, and then the floors can be 100% done!  We were entirely too tired by the time we got home yesterday evening.

So what do you think?  The room has gone from looking like this :

To this:

In just a few short long short weeks!!  We installed the window, painted the ceiling, installed the fan, painted the walls and closet, painted the trim, and now installed the floors!  After this week, we finally should be able to get some actual nursery decorations going up in here!  Woo Hoo!!  What do you guys think of the transformation so far?!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Hope your day is filled with lots and lots of love!

Want to see all of the nursery progress so far?  Just click here to see the transformation!
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I'm linking up to the parties on my sidebar...go check out what everyone else is installing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finishing the Daybed Room

I left you guys back in October with adding a shelf to the daybed room.  In that post, I said all that was left to do was hang some curtains, build a side table, add a rug, and maybe add a mirror. guys didn't know that I was already pregnant at that point, but needless to say, this room became bottom of the 'to-do' list.

And then in deciding how the hey I'm going to decorate / design the nursery, I've realized that if I spend anymore money in the daybed room, it's money wasted.  When we have baby #2, I'll want to completely re-do it anyways (don't worry, I have plans for my daybeds!), so I don't want to spend anything extra on a rug or window coverings...and I'm giving up on the idea of building a corner table.  I'm learning to adapt to my current situation instead of going crazy trying to get everything checked off.

My oldest sister will appreciate this post though.  The windows desperately needed new blinds and curtains hung.  When they all came to visit last summer, my nieces woke up the first morning with the sun.  Well before their normal wake up time.  To solve that problem in the meantime, we hung a blanket from the window.  My sister tried to snag a picture of us hanging it, but we were too quick, so she posed with our beautiful window solution:

Obviously we needed to come up with a better solution (even though my sister looks especially pleased because she knew she wouldn't be woken up at an ungodly hour!).  Especially because they're all coming over again next week!

Here's what the room actually looked like sans blanket :

I remembered I had green curtains folded up in a closet from our 1st house, so I decided they were close enough of a green that they'd work in here.  When we removed the blinds from the nursery window, we transported them over here.  I'm not exactly sure what we're going with in there yet, so stay tuned for that one!  These work well in here for now though.  The other ones were broken off in multiple places...kind of defeating the purpose of blinds.

In our attempt to cross off items from projects that seem to never end, we hung these the other weekend.  It's been stormy and not sunshiny here for quite awhile, so you're just going to have to get less than ideal pictures!  Sorry!

I actually like the way the curtains balance out the room.  By hanging the curtains as wide and as high as we could, we really made that window seem bigger than it really is.  And my sister will be happy with sleeping kiddos in here!!

We've been working on TONS of stuff for the nursery all week, but haven't quite finished anything just yet!  We've got to get the floors installed first, so hopefully those turn out to go relatively quickly, and hopefully I'll have nursery picture updates for next week.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!

Update :  (To see each step of making over this room I did in detail, see the following links : painting the floorbuilding the left daybedbuilding the right daybedfinishing old Pottery Barn ShelvesRe-doing a Sewing Machine CabinetMaking the Yellow Pillows, and Making the Florally Pillows).
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Monday, February 7, 2011

My Loot : Nursery shopping

Very little projecting went on this weekend...instead lots and lots of shopping happened.  Do you ever have those project / room / ideas that you're going shopping for where you know exactly what you want, but can't find it anywhere?  Well, this weekend wasn't a total strikeout by any means, but I did spend lots and lots of hours shopping and I don't have a ton to show for it.

But what I DO have to show for it is pretty much exactly what I wanted.  So I'll take it!

My amazingly talented photographer friend Erin has the patience of a saint.  She went on almost all of my shopping adventures this weekend with me, and I didn't hear her complain once.  She actually seemed to enjoy herself!

Friday, Chris and I picked out the floors.  Here's a sneak peak of them acclimating to our home :

Exciting stuff, huh?!

Saturday, Erin met me at my home at 10, and we headed off to the International Mall and stopped at Robb and Stucky, Z Gallerie and Urban Outfitters amongst a pit stop to Nordstrom to get my maternity jeans hemmed.  From there we headed to the wonderfully amazingly huge and exhausting land of Ikea.  Believe it or not, that was my first time there.  Holy smokes...that place is like an amusement park!!  And after numerous hours there, we headed to Antropologie before making our way back home.  We tried to stop at Michaels for fabric...only to find out that Michael's doesn't SELL fabric, so we left empty handed in that department, and made it home at 5 p.m..  Just in time, I had dinner plans at 530!!  Here's my loot from Saturday:

On Sunday, we picked Erin up, and headed to Jo-Anns to purchase fabric.  We spent 3+ hours in that store. Chris actually took us and went and did some shopping at Home Depot before coming back and helping in the forever indecisive area that will always be fabric shopping for me.

Seriously, both Erin and Chris should win some sort of patience award.  And they didn't even act miserable about it.  Now that's a true friend!!  Thanks for hanging with me this weekend E!  Here's my loot from Sunday:

After we got home, we got some stuff together and headed over to a friends Superbowl party.  It was such a fun and exhausting weekend, all at the same time.  Curious to know what I do with all of my new loot?!  Me too!!  Haha!  Stay tuned to find out...

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend...Happy Monday!!

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