
Friday, February 11, 2011

Finishing the Daybed Room

I left you guys back in October with adding a shelf to the daybed room.  In that post, I said all that was left to do was hang some curtains, build a side table, add a rug, and maybe add a mirror. guys didn't know that I was already pregnant at that point, but needless to say, this room became bottom of the 'to-do' list.

And then in deciding how the hey I'm going to decorate / design the nursery, I've realized that if I spend anymore money in the daybed room, it's money wasted.  When we have baby #2, I'll want to completely re-do it anyways (don't worry, I have plans for my daybeds!), so I don't want to spend anything extra on a rug or window coverings...and I'm giving up on the idea of building a corner table.  I'm learning to adapt to my current situation instead of going crazy trying to get everything checked off.

My oldest sister will appreciate this post though.  The windows desperately needed new blinds and curtains hung.  When they all came to visit last summer, my nieces woke up the first morning with the sun.  Well before their normal wake up time.  To solve that problem in the meantime, we hung a blanket from the window.  My sister tried to snag a picture of us hanging it, but we were too quick, so she posed with our beautiful window solution:

Obviously we needed to come up with a better solution (even though my sister looks especially pleased because she knew she wouldn't be woken up at an ungodly hour!).  Especially because they're all coming over again next week!

Here's what the room actually looked like sans blanket :

I remembered I had green curtains folded up in a closet from our 1st house, so I decided they were close enough of a green that they'd work in here.  When we removed the blinds from the nursery window, we transported them over here.  I'm not exactly sure what we're going with in there yet, so stay tuned for that one!  These work well in here for now though.  The other ones were broken off in multiple places...kind of defeating the purpose of blinds.

In our attempt to cross off items from projects that seem to never end, we hung these the other weekend.  It's been stormy and not sunshiny here for quite awhile, so you're just going to have to get less than ideal pictures!  Sorry!

I actually like the way the curtains balance out the room.  By hanging the curtains as wide and as high as we could, we really made that window seem bigger than it really is.  And my sister will be happy with sleeping kiddos in here!!

We've been working on TONS of stuff for the nursery all week, but haven't quite finished anything just yet!  We've got to get the floors installed first, so hopefully those turn out to go relatively quickly, and hopefully I'll have nursery picture updates for next week.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!

Update :  (To see each step of making over this room I did in detail, see the following links : painting the floorbuilding the left daybedbuilding the right daybedfinishing old Pottery Barn ShelvesRe-doing a Sewing Machine CabinetMaking the Yellow Pillows, and Making the Florally Pillows).
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  1. Oh yay, the window curtain make the room feel so complete, love them!

  2. Ha, does look very nice in the room, and I really will appreciate not being woken up earlier than we will already have to wake up ;-) Love you and can't wait to see you next weekend!

  3. It looks fantastic! The curtains really finish off the room!

  4. Wow, how pretty. I love the colors you chose--they really make it fabulous.

    Warmly, Michelle

  5. Congrats - on your daybed room and baby. I'm so curious - what are you planning to do with the daybed when your family continues to grow?

  6. Thanks! Stay tuned to the blog to find out...they're most definitely getting put to use! They may even relocate here shortly!

  7. I'm already sad :( because I'm almost sure they will be impossible to find, all this time later, but...where did you purchase the three pillows in the very front? (The ones that seem to be the original inspiration for the color palette maybe??) I *must* give it a shot at finding!! LOVE!!

  8. What did you use for the brown covers on the mattress. I luv what you have done.

    What was the total cost if yu don't mind me asking ?

  9. The three pillows in front were purchased at Target. I actually looked online to see if they still had it and they don't, I'm sorry!

    I used a coverlet I found at Kohl's. The coverlet's are great because they're thin enough to tuck in around it without looking too bulky, and they're still functionable.

    The total cost to build each daybed (which is what I'm assuming you're asking, was just under $250 for each bed.


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!