
Monday, February 7, 2011

My Loot : Nursery shopping

Very little projecting went on this weekend...instead lots and lots of shopping happened.  Do you ever have those project / room / ideas that you're going shopping for where you know exactly what you want, but can't find it anywhere?  Well, this weekend wasn't a total strikeout by any means, but I did spend lots and lots of hours shopping and I don't have a ton to show for it.

But what I DO have to show for it is pretty much exactly what I wanted.  So I'll take it!

My amazingly talented photographer friend Erin has the patience of a saint.  She went on almost all of my shopping adventures this weekend with me, and I didn't hear her complain once.  She actually seemed to enjoy herself!

Friday, Chris and I picked out the floors.  Here's a sneak peak of them acclimating to our home :

Exciting stuff, huh?!

Saturday, Erin met me at my home at 10, and we headed off to the International Mall and stopped at Robb and Stucky, Z Gallerie and Urban Outfitters amongst a pit stop to Nordstrom to get my maternity jeans hemmed.  From there we headed to the wonderfully amazingly huge and exhausting land of Ikea.  Believe it or not, that was my first time there.  Holy smokes...that place is like an amusement park!!  And after numerous hours there, we headed to Antropologie before making our way back home.  We tried to stop at Michaels for fabric...only to find out that Michael's doesn't SELL fabric, so we left empty handed in that department, and made it home at 5 p.m..  Just in time, I had dinner plans at 530!!  Here's my loot from Saturday:

On Sunday, we picked Erin up, and headed to Jo-Anns to purchase fabric.  We spent 3+ hours in that store. Chris actually took us and went and did some shopping at Home Depot before coming back and helping in the forever indecisive area that will always be fabric shopping for me.

Seriously, both Erin and Chris should win some sort of patience award.  And they didn't even act miserable about it.  Now that's a true friend!!  Thanks for hanging with me this weekend E!  Here's my loot from Sunday:

After we got home, we got some stuff together and headed over to a friends Superbowl party.  It was such a fun and exhausting weekend, all at the same time.  Curious to know what I do with all of my new loot?!  Me too!!  Haha!  Stay tuned to find out...

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend...Happy Monday!!

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  1. Wow girl! You did some major shopping!!! I cannot wait to see everything in the nursery! = )

  2. can't wait to see how you pull all this together. how fab is that elephant fabric? so cute with the 3 of them. glad you had a super shopping weekend!

  3. I cannot wait to see what you do with these fabrics. The floor color is great, too--soft and warm.


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