Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Fun Friday Giveaway - CSN Stores

It's that time again...time for another giveaway from CSN Stores!  With so many projects lined up to get done before Little Miss Hart makes her arrival, it was really hard to turn down the product review for myself, but I really love my readers and wanted to show you guys how much I appreciate your support.

One lucky reader of Kara's Korner will receive a $35 gift card.  All for just reading my blog! (Wait?  You're not a follower or email subscriber?  Really?!  Why not?!?!  Go sign up...see the Please Follow Along or Email section right to the right on my sidebar!!)  So tell your Mom, Sisters, Aunts, and all of your friends to get their bootay's over here to try to win.  And then tell them what you'd like for them to buy you with the gift card they won.  Hey, they wouldn't have found it without you!

So what would have done with the gift card?!?!

Well, there's the obvious choice of something for the nursery.  But I'm much less decided on how I'm decorating in there just that's a no go for now.

I think I'd have to go with something in our bedroom.  Because we live in Florida, we only have a thin quilt on our bed.  With all this cold weather here lately, and Chris and I sleeping under 5 layers of bedding, I'd really love to get a new modern duvet covers for our bed for the winter.  There's 93 on the site to choose from, but I think my favorites, for our color scheme, are either the blue and yellow or gray and yellow ones.  Hmmm...

Although, I do love the clean lines of this brown one!

If you can't tell, fixing up our bedroom is on the 'list' for 2011!

Onto the details...

  • PRIZE: A $35 gift card to any CSN store.
  • TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I FOLLOW” and…
  • BONUS QUESTION: …since Chris thinks I'm crazy with how long my 2011 to-do list project wise is already, lets help me feel more sane and normal.  Please leave me a comment on what's on your to-do list for 2011 house/project wise.  If you don't have a to-do list for 2011 (oh, so jealous!!!), please leave a comment letting me know what you're excited about seeing on MY blog in 2011!  
  • GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Friday, January 28th at 8pm EST
  • PRIZE IS EMAILED TO: US and Canada only.  For Canadian residents, please know that there may be international shipping charges when you use your gift card!
  • NOT SO FINE PRINT: One entry per e-mail address is permitted.  You must be a follower (google or email) of Kara's Korner to enter this contest. The winner will be selected using and announced on Friday. Good luck…

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment or subscribe to the feed reader to get future posts delivered to your reader.


  1. I FOLLOW!
    On my list is to finally stencil the dining room.
    maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

  2. Hmmm... apparently I just signed up so now I FOLLOW you. I'm not sure how I missed that before. "Our" projects for this year will include finally putting your sewing machine to good use and MAKING a quilt then that duvet cover that you want to buy =) Time to set a date! xoxo

  3. I FOLLOW via email... basil_wild (at) hotmail

    What's on your to-do list for 2011 house/project wise?

    Get my arty/craft room finished - the floor, the walls, the ceiling! We moved in over a year ago and I'm itching to be able to have all of my creative things in one place! I can't wait!

    (Sorry about the deleted comments. I thought it was two entries...following and then the to-do list!)


    Do I even have to say what is on my to-do list this year?! Finish my kitchen before I hit the one-year mark!! Then I'm going to re-decorate the guest room so you and your FAMILY can come visit me!

  5. I FOLLOW!

    My 2011 To-Do-List includes a Master Bedroom redo! I plan on making an upholstered headboard, cornices for my windows with drapes, and refinishing my existing furniture. That sounds like a lot when I type it all out.

  6. follow via google reader and I subscribe via email.

    I have quite the list too: Finish master bedroom redo, build a shed, clean out the garage, de-clutter the entire house, crown molding in the bathroom, redo the master bathroom (if budget permits!). I am excited to see some of your projects.

  7. I'm a new follower! I could really use the $35 for a new kitchen rug.


  8. I FOLLOW! And...I have a lot of sewing projects to do this year, as well as getting our kitchen and bedroom better organized!

  9. I am a follower :) I don't have much of a to-do list for this house b/c it's on the market and we hope to move *sometime* this year (sooner rather than later I hope!!!). We'll have a huge list anywhere we go, though, I'm sure. Stay busy -- it will make the time fly!!!

  10. Ooooh....can't wait to see what you do with your bedroom. = )

  11. I follow via email. This early in the year my list isn't too bad. I have about 8 house projects and I'm hoping to get one done on Sunday. (painting the trim in the den).

  12. I FOLLOW (now - just discovered your blog today). My main project for 2011 is getting my office/workout room/den cleaned out and organized. Then I can move on to new dressers and bed for the guest bedroom.

  13. The things I still want to make are some hangers for my purse to carry the hand sanitizer. Got to busy to complete this before christmas. Want to redo the bathroom in the mater bedroom.

  14. I FOLLOW you!! On my list is to do a complete makeover of my room and I love the yellow and grey bed set!

  15. I follow. I've joined a 3 in 30 group where we commit to three things a month. So far I've taken everything out of my kitchen cabinets and reorganized them. We removed the cabinet doors. I am going to paint and put up some kind of backsplash - as soon as I figure out what.

    I also need to paint and organize the spare room and turn it into whatever it turns out it is going to be.

    Also? I need to tackle the basement. It makes me just want to move so I don't have to do it. I also have a bunch of antique furniture I am going to restore. And I do mean LOTS.

  16. I have 3 16x16 square windows in my kitchen that I am going to be encasing with molding...sometime this year (:

  17. i follow and both bathrooms need to be put back together after a mold issue. sigh.
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  18. I follow via email. I'm in the process if de cluttering. The I need to make curtains for my entire house. In the AZ summer both blinds and curtains help keep the house cooler.

  19. I am a firm believer in having the master bedroom look and feel awesome- makes the day nicer to end and start if you like your surroundings- Stopping in from Trendy Treehouse New Friend Friday- and so YEA I'm following you now. Hope you stop by my place soon ;-)

  20. I follow...via GFC

    On my list....oh boy, organize all my "important" papers so I don't do the super-freak every time I have to find something and I can't. Replace our kitchen floor which is horrible and embarrassing. Paint our bathroom. Clean out my drawers and closet and finally purge all those out of style and too small clothes (I swear they shrink in the closet). Paint the garage.

    Okay, I need a nap now just thinking about all the to-do's.

    shel704 at aol dot com

  21. to do list:
    get to the gym more to get a sweet lookin booty
    eat more fruit
    find a new apt and move

    deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

  22. I follow on gfc
    I want to go through each room of my house and get rid of everything we don't use regularly. I'm currently most of the way through the kitchen.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. I FOLLOW!
    My 2011 to do list: guest and son's bathroom re-do, build a closet in the hallway, clean + finsh the attic, and MAYBE build a sunroom under the deck.

  24. I follow Kara's Korner via GFC [Geraldine Sandoval]

  25. I FOLLOW AND....
    I plan to remodel my kidchen cabinets and install new countertops
    digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  26. I follow!

    My project list includes the guest bathroom, the master bedroom and the planning area.

  27. I follow as jelaws5...
    On my list is redoing the living room -painting etc.then next is decluttering the basement ;)
    thanks for the giveaway

  28. I FOLLOW : )
    My To-Do List includes window coverings for a 12 ft. wide arcadia, painting some garage sale patio furniture, and making the front porch presentable!

  29. I FOLLOW! Congrats on the baby! I'm due just about the same time. :)

  30. I Follow!!

    And oh I LUV that grey set :)

  31. I follow!

    I love all your projects! I found you from your daybed on Ana White's site. I hope to make one some day!

    randifrucci {at} hotmail {dot} com

  32. I follow!

    And last year we redid our guest bath. This year, our master is on the to-do list and it needs to be gutted and completely redone!

  33. i follow you gfc and i want to buy my son the toy story desk
    tcogbill at live dot com

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. I FOLLOW-I really need a new baby monitor set, that is what I would buy!

    Carli Karren

    cjkcoupon at gmail dot com

    My Biggest to do this year is have a baby in 3 weeks...after that it will be loose all the baby weight!

  36. I FOLLOW and....
    Some stuff on my 2011 To-Do List is replace the carpets, paint the bedroom and bathroom
    CalifKitties (AT)

  37. I FOLLOW via GFC (Carole Spring) and some things on my To-Do list for 2011 are to paint the basement floor, paint the garage exterior, replace the living room sofa, and do some major decluttering.

  38. I FOLLOW!
    2011 to-do list:
    new shelving in the master closet
    new flooring in the kitchen
    paint the hall bathroom
    paint the living room
    ugh, I better get to work!
    Fun giveaway - thank you for the chance to win! :)
    tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net

  39. I follow! My to do list this year is to get my new Etsy store up and running and full of stuff to sell!

  40. I am a follower. I need to update my bedroom and master bath. Too much to list all the things I need (or want). Hope to win.

  41. I follow

    I always have a long to do list, but this year the big projects include painting the bedroom


  42. I'm a follower!!!! Can't wait to see new projects!! (especially ones in the soon-to-be baby nursery!)

  43. I follow you Kara;) Love the second and third option, but all are beautiful

  44. I FOLLOW!

    Love all the options!

    Your list is NOT crazy, trust me.

    On my list is

    1) Move half way across the U.S.
    2) Buy our first house.
    3) Start my education!

    It is going to be a crazy year for everyone!

  45. I am a follower and my first project is to turn a small closet into toy storage with shelves. I need the baskets for storage. Then on to the kitchen.BIG PROJECT THERE. but would like some new decor for the walls.

  46. I FOLLOW

    My project for 2011 is to reconfigure my closet space, it needs more shelves and organization.

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

    Brixton Street
    thewideworldof (at)gmail (dot)com

  47. I follow! As for the list: finishing the master bath in the next few weeks; two other baths (although we will never, never, move drains again); crown molding in the bedroom, dining room, and front hall, repaint the sewing room; take down the wallpaper in two of the basement rooms and paint; tear the carpet off the stairs and refinish the wood, replace the hall carpet with wood laminate, wallpaper off the laundry room and paint the walls and cabinets.

    It sounds like the whole house, doesn't it? BUT I finished the 9 rooms already! We will get there.

  48. I follow with GFC! Our only project so far this year is getting rid of useless stuff!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  49. I follow!!
    My 2011 list is first off get our first house- so then i have a place (garage) to do my list of beds, tables, etc...that i wan't to make, and second to have a place to put all the furniture when done-

  50. I`m a follower! We have a living room makeover first up on our to do list. New paint, new curtains, rugs and pillows. Thanks for the chance to win.

  51. I follow!

    my to do list this year is HUGE lol I need to fix up the kitchen hopefully redo the cabnets, and I need to get my daughter to sleep in her own bed..which means getting her a bed LOL and redoing her room! I would put this towards a bed frame!

  52. I FOLLOW because I love your blog!

  53. I follow!

    My to do list isn't house related...
    Wedding April 30th
    Find a new job...SOON! :)

  54. I follow your blog!
    I just discovered it. THanks for sharing such a great giveaway. Fingers crossed!!

  55. I follow your blog!!

    On my 2011 list.... window seat for our "lofty" area... who knew a 16 month old had so much stuff!!!

  56. House/Project List 2011
    -finish fencing back half of lot
    -put up wrought iron fencing on front of lot
    -sand/repaint deck
    -stain/seal fence
    -install cabinet in powder room
    -install extra corner cabinet in kitchen
    -paint some accent walls!



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