
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kalia's here!

The absolute best project that I've ever done in my entire life made her grand entrance on Tuesday, June 7th, at 4:07 a.m.. It wasn't always an easy road, but one that I'd do again and again to get her here.

She came out weighing 8 lbs, 6 ounces, and 21 1/2 inches long.

We're all so happy she's here!

My two favorite people in the entire world :-).

I'm taking some much needed family time, so project postings will be on hold for a bit.  This latest project has taken quite a bit out of me!  There aren't words to express how great the reward is though...

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  1. Absolutely precious!! Congrats to you and hubby!! Enjoy your time away from projects.

  2. PRECIOUS pictures Kara! Congrats!!

  3. Beautiful! Congratulations to both of you! What a great looking family!

  4. Congratulations! She look beautiful, well done to you both! Enjoy your family time.

  5. Aww congratulations, what an exciting post to read :)

    Projects can wait, it is very tiring being a new mum, so you make sure you rest when you can! DO NOT pick up a paintbrush, lol ;P

    xx Karen

  6. This is the post I've been waiting for! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!!

  7. Congratulations! Being a mom of a little girl is extra special!

  8. She's beautiful! Congratulations on your best-project-to-date! :) I love reading your blog and seeing your project pictures...but these last two pictures take the cake! Enjoy!! Time goes by so quickly with a new baby. My "baby" will be 5 in hard to believe.

  9. Just precious. Enjoy this special time with your new sweet one!: )

  10. I've been thinking of you this week. . .hoping your daughter was what was keeping you busy :) ENJOY, will blissfully *never* be the same!

  11. I have been waiting for this post! Congratulations to you guys! Kalia is just absolutely precious. I cannot wait to see more photos of her.

  12. Welcome to the world angel baby Kalia!! Congratulations Kara and Chris:-)

  13. Congratulations! She is adorable, what a lovely little family.

  14. oh my gosh, so stinking cute! congrats to you guys!

  15. OH congratulations!! I don't know how I missed this! she is beautiful :)


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