
Friday, June 3, 2011

Laundry Room Redo

I'm chucking this one up to psycho husband, not psycho wife this time.  Normally I'm the go-getter and starter of projects around this house, but Chris takes all the credit for this one!

We've been looking for a new washer and dryer for quite a few months now.  I told Chris when we were redoing the front doors that he had to put his search for the perfect washer and dryer that were perfectly priced on hold for now.  I couldn't handle dealing with the door issues and trying to figure out what the hey washer / dryer I wanted, and where had the best price, at the same time.

Well, the door had been in for a good week before Chris decided to resume his washer / dryer hunt.  And he found the perfect washer/dryer for sale for 25% off both.  So last weekend, we tredged our tails up to Lowe's, had them price match a set from Best Buy, and came home with a delivery date of Thursday for the new set.

Our laundry room has been in a sad, sad state since we moved in.  It's one of the rooms we've yet to touch.  The fact that we came home from this with 2 days to spare before my official due date didn't bother Chris at all.  Chris took out the old appliances before I could snap up a few before pictures, and it was late when I was taking this, but here's sort of where we started :

Here's  a picture of our old dryer to give you an idea of what we were working with before.  This thing was on its last leg!

Saturday morning, while I was finishing up Kalia's nursery monogram, Chris spent quite a bit of time cleaning out the old dryer vent.  Wowzer...that thing was most definitely a fire hazard, and I'm so happy that he got it done before Kalia gets here!

We decided the only expense we were willing to incur for this laundry room redo was the actual washer and dryer (they're expensive enough, even on sale!), so for the rest of the laundry room, we used what we had laying around.  Chris painted the walls leftover gray we had from Kalia's nursery (Moonshine by Benjamin Moore), and I painted the laundry room door Lucerene by Benjamin Moore.  We took the laundry room door off to sand it down and paint it.  I think we were daring Kalia to arrive.  We have a thing with having doors off while I'm entirely too close to labor (see here).  Chris painted most of the trim work...I helped some, but he gets to take the credit for most of the work.  After all of that, we were left with this :

Which was such an improvement, but those stupid laminate cabinets were driving me nuts.  We thought about pulling them off of the wall...but we're not sure what's behind them, and neither one of us was really willing to get into dry-wall work.  So the cabinets stayed.  I lived with them for a full day before deciding there was no way they could stay that color, so I got up early Monday morning and primed the cabinets.  When Chris got up, I was sitting at the computer, and he wasn't very happy to see paint on my hands!  He was a good sport about it though and helped me put on the two coats of white paint (Ultra Bright White by Behr), which isn't a perfect paint job, but it really makes the room look so much better!

These cabinets are temporary anyways, but I can at least live with them this way.

On Thursday, the Lowe's guys showed up with our new washer and dryer...

We actually had a laugh at Kodi's dog bowl.  That's the first piece of furniture Chris and I built together, quite a few years ago.  When we redid the kitchen at the old house, we had the granite guys take the leftover granite from our kitchen sink cut out, and make the top for this using our dog bowls for cut measurements.  They hesitated initially, but we told them it was either that, or we'd go elsewhere.  They obliged!

The trim in here finally matching the white doors looks so much better.  Only 2 + years in the making of getting rid of all of that old awful off white trim!

I love the new color of the washer and dryer too!  Maybe I'll actually do some of the laundry now!  Chris would be oh so happy with me.  The only "gender tasks" we have in our home is that Chris does Kodi's poop patrol in the backyard.  He drew the short stick somewhere in here.

Ahhhh...SO much better!!!  We've got a few things planned to finish over this laundry room...building pedestals, adding some wall decor, and as previously mentioned, removing those cabinets and adding some functional shelves up there, but this is such a huge improvement from where we started!  And...I absolutely do not plan on doing any of that this weekend.  At 41 weeks pregnant, my 'mojo' is most definitely running out!

Hope everyone had a great week and enjoys their weekend!  Today is Chris and I's 5 year wedding anniversary.  I'm so thankful, lucky, and blessed to be married to the absolute perfect soul mate for me.  Chris is not only everything I could've possibly wanted in a husband, he's my very best friend in the entire world, and I can't imagine a single day without him!  Happy Anniversary babe!!  (I know, enough mushiness...sorry!)  When we got married, everyone started asking us when we'd have kids.  We told them all we planned on waiting till we had been married for 5 years or so before expanding our family.  We didn't really intend to make it this close to our 5 year wedding anniversary, but that's what you get when you have two engineers in one marriage I guess!

Happy Friday!
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  1. I love that you got a colored washer and dryer!

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Wow, what an amazing bonus project to get done before Kalia arrives. It looks so great with the blue and white!! And Happy Anniversary to two great friends. =) Love you guys!

  3. I love the new washer and dryer! The color is beautiful. =) And the new paint color looks lovely. Happy Anniversary to you guys!

  4. Happy Anniversary-great and realistic redo!

  5. great tip about lowe's b/c the boyfriend refuses to buy anything from best buy. love the door matching to the units-genius and fun! happy 5 year anniversary, how perfect.

  6. Dear Kalia,

    Please make your arrival soon so that I will stop being a creepy blog stalker and checking your mama's page multiple times a day to see if you have made your arrival. = )

    The Feminist Housewife

  7. Hahaha, I totally agree with Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife! :-)

  8. I'm with Caroline, too! haha.I don't know if I've left any comments yet, but I've been a reader since you redid your door hardware, and am anxious to see Kalia!

  9. very nice redo

    I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.

    Come strut your stuff.

  10. Looking good! My laundry room desperately needs a re-do! But I think it will still be years from now, we have so many projects here at our home! Happy Monday! ~Heidi

  11. Great job! Your new laundry room looks great-I love the blue! Enjoy!!


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