
Friday, June 24, 2011

Coming Up for Air

Hey guys!

I know it's been quite awhile since my last post...but little Miss Kalia is keeping me quite the zombie these days.  I think I've been on the computer a handful of times since we've gotten home.

One of my big concerns prior to having Kalia was breastfeeding.  I really really wanted to be successful at it, and was worried that I might not be.  Well, Kalia is already taking after her Mommy and Daddy in that aspect and is quite the over-achiever.  She feeds about every hour to hour and a half, which doesn't leave me much time to get any sort of restful sleep at all.  Which means I'm a zombie all day / all night long.

One of my neighbors put it best...we're in survival mode right now.  Chris feeds me and Kodi, and I feed Kalia.  We've managed to go on our nightly walks almost every night the past week, which even though it takes away from sleep time, is helping me keep my sanity around these parts.

I actually do have some projects to post that I finished up prior to little miss Piggy getting here, but I just haven't been able to get on here for any significant amount of time.  I can start pumping next week, so Chris is going to take over one of my night time feedings, and let me get more than 1 hour of sleep at a time.  Woot!  Hopefully I'll start to feel like the 'old me' energy wise again at some point.

Every day is a blessing, every day is rewarding, every day is a challenge, and every day I'm thankful.

Oh, and as a side note...breasts for breastfeeding are so poorly engineered.  I can tell they were made by a man.  There is absolutely no reason for both faucets to turn on when you latch onto one.  What a bad design!


'Till then, hope these cute photos will tide you guys over!

1 week birthday walk...we were finally allowed outside!  Kalia is so funny with her hands!

Just have to make a note that the camera is on a fence post on a self-timer for this photo.  How Kodi knows where and when to smile is beyond me.  He's part human I think!
Go Gators!!  Kalia's Uncle Shawn and Aunt Christina really really love Kalia.  They're Seminole fans, and this headband is from them.  Now that's love!
Daddy moment...Kalia loves him so much already.  See her hugging him?!  Chris is amazing with her!
Awww...the swing and the bouncer were two of the best gifts ever!!

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  1. She is so adorable! And you definitely do not look like you just had a baby... Hope you and your hubby can get a good nights sleep soon!

  2. She is adorable and I am just IN LOVE with that bow! Go GATORS!! Just made some Gator burp cloths for my nephew born last week. Try to enjoy it all, the sleep gets better :)

  3. She's just adorable and you look awesome!! Hope you get to feeling better soon!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. She grew so much between week one and two! SO cool, the way you positioned her!

  5. Beautiful, beautiful photos. I just happened upon your blog and want to wish you many congrats on your beautiful new addition. I also wanted to say that I have 4 boys and have used "The Baby Whisperer" book, by Tracy Hogg, to get through the early baby months - I highly recommend it to all mothers, as for me, it got all my boys on sleeping routines right from the start and it gave me some "me" time too! Great book with common sense approach.
    Lots of best wishes for the future.

  6. Congrats, little Kalia is gorgeous! I agree with Claudia on the Baby Whisperer book. I am pregnant with my third and will use it again for the third time around - it truly was a godsend book - especially in the zoombie mode - you will get more sleep I promise! :)

  7. She's adorable and you're such a cute family!


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