
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nursery Room - Paint and Fan

When I left off on Monday, we had installed a new window, painted the ceiling, removed the old carpet, and primed the walls.  I normally would not waste the effort at all to prime a wall.  In the paint world, I'm the kind of gal that gets anxious to get the second coat on before the first coat has really fully dried.  By the way, I don't recommend this!  But I wanted to go a light neutral color, and I wanted it to be it's purest, truest color.

Most of the walls in my house are beige.  I have a beige that I've found that I love, so I stick with it.  I like to add color to the rooms with accessories because I really don't enjoy re-painting walls.  I love the way a freshly painted room looks, but the process itself?!?!  No thanks!

The nursery though, I wanted to be a little bit different.  Still relatively neutral walls that I can pair with whatever colors I'd like, but not beige.

So we went gray.

And we installed a new fan!  Woo Hoo!!

The closet was the part I was the most excited about.  I have big plans for in there (I really hope they all work out!!!).  It's the first time I've ever picked out a color from a swatch, and fell in love instantly.  No tester needed for me.  I was really nervous putting it all on the walls, but I absolutely love the way it looks!

Chris was gone on Sunday when I painted the closet.  When he got home he said "wow, bold.  I LOVE it!"  Yay!

And just because I love to see how much progress we've made in here over such little time, here's where the nursery started out two weeks ago:

Junk Room, Before
Here's where it was before we started this weekend :

Primed walls, empty room
And here's where it stands today :

New window, ceiling painted, walls painted, new fan, carpet removed
Next up on this list is getting the trim painted a bright and shiny white so that we can install flooring.  What flooring?  We have no idea...that's also on the to-do list!

I know these colors aren't typical 'girl' room colors, but I'm not a typical girl.  I do plan on accenting the room with pops of a bright, deep pink...almost like a purplish pink, to add a little more feminineness to the space.  I've got big plans...if only I can keep up my energy level!

Hope everyone's having a fantastic week!  Happy Wednesday!

Oh...paint colors...the gray is Benjamin Moore's Moonshine, and the blue is Benjamin Moore's Lucerne.  Love, love, love!
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I'm linking up to the parties on my side bar...go see what rooms others are transforming!


  1. It's looking great! You are seriously moving fast with this room reno! Can't wait to see how the closet turns out. =)

  2. what a fun paint color combo...if you hadn't said "feminineness" i would have forgotten you're having a girl! but you are completely right, bringing in the pinky/purple will make it! can't wait to see what else is in store. super exciting!

  3. Oh I know it's going to be amazing! Lookin' good so far!

  4. Looks awesome!!!!!! I'm working on a grey and pink nursery myself! :)
    Thanks so much for linking this to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  5. Yea!!!!!!!!!! I can "see" your vision -- it's going to be awesome :)

  6. You are knocking it out, girl!

    I absolutely LOVE the blue closet. It's so bold and unexpected. Such a great idea!

  7. The poor exercise bike keeps getting bumped :) Its cracking me... now that may be because I am just checking out your blog, and building the day bed today... I love your boldness, and experiment with colour!

  8. Thanks everyone!! We're getting there!!

    A's Mom - it's still winter...the exercise bike can wait till summer!! Haha! Good luck with the day bed!


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