
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wishful Thinking

With family coming and going two weekends in a row, I don't really have much to post on home improvement just yet. This whole time change thing has got me pretty messed up too. I like to base my sleep schedule on the sun. Which currently means I think it's bedtime at 6:30 p.m., and I start to stir to wake up around 5:45 a.m.. No, I don't need 11 + hours of sleep a night, but that's what my body wants to do. Which means there's only time for work, running Kodi, making and eating dinner, showering, and heading straight to bed...much to the dismay of my husband who stays up past 10 p.m. doing homework and watching class.

When I'm not doing home improvement projects, I'm generally scouring the internet for inspiration for a room.  One of the next rooms (yes, just one...there's multiple) on our re-do list is the formal living room.  Our plan is to make it a game room, and I really want to incorporate a classy orange and blue scheme in there for our Florida Gators.  More like coral and turquoise or aqua, but still something that has a subtle "Go Gators" theme to it.

Here's where the room stands right now :

It's like a sore thumb in our home.  Everything else is way more modern looking.  This furniture is actually our old living room set from our first home, that we grew to not like within a few months of purchasing it.  When we bought this home, we vowed not to make the mistake of rushing out to buy something that fit the space, but not us.  If rooms are empty, so be it.  They now reflect 'us' instead of being just filler.

I've looked and looked and looked for the perfect area rug, and I finally found it.  And by perfect I mean I can't stop thinking about it and going and looking at it because I know it would be absolutely beautiful in our room.

Image from

Slight problem.  We need a huge rug (9x12), and that huge rug comes with a huge price tag.  The rug is from Horchow, and they have a big "everythings on sale" sale going on right now...but even at 25% off, this beautiful, most perfect rug, is still ... $1,834.25 after shipping and taxes.  Sigh...waaaay far outside of our budget, but one can always dream, right?

What about you guys?  Do you guys have anything up there on your wishful dreaming list?  Even better, has anyone seen any rug that relatively looks like this for sale for WAY cheaper?!  If so, I would love you for forever and ever, and we could be new BFF's.  Seriously.

'Till then, I'm gonna be dreaming of this perfect, beautiful rug...Happy Tuesday!
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  1. I see why you like the rug. There was an orange square rug at Ikea the last time I was there. Good luck.


  2. definitely check overstock, amazon, csn and homegoods for a rug. i love your color scheme-can't wait to see how it goes. i really like your idea of waiting on furniture-i think we should have done that. i thought our living room would have been too small for a sectional, but i see now that one would have worked. oh well. we'll have one in the basement for optimal movie watching!

  3. Love the blog.. Now following.. Please follow back


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