
Friday, November 5, 2010

Building Another Picture Frame

I've been itching to build something. It's been entirely too long, but I have a new rule that I can't go to the store to buy anything without finishing the projects I already have the materials for at the house. Unfortunately that means very little building, and a whole lotta painting. Boooo!

Chris's Mom and Step-Dad are coming into town this afternoon. The above paragraph and this might seem like they don't have too much in common, but they do. Because they're coming, I had the perfect excuse to use some of my left over 1x2 scraps and bust out my Chris's our miter saw to build a picture frame as a welcome gift.  Chris was still at work, so I asked him to pick up something for dinner (we rarely do that), and I got busy sawing...then sanding, then painting.

For detailed instructions on how to build a picture frame, please see my post here.

I used Krylon's Ocean Breeze spray paint, and then took my small foam brush and added the black details to the edges and all of the sides.

For the back, I attempted my first try ever with decoupage.  Being impatient and decoupage doesn't really go hand in hand, but I was excited to get this done and working.'ll notice that there's some ripped pieces of scrapbook paper around some of the back.  Oh well, it gives it more of a rustic look.  The important side is the front.  And because I only did this one one layer instead of two, I didn't have a ledge to put my picture on.  Insert staples and thick scrap book paper.  Hey, it works.  

And for any of you looking for advice with decoupage...I am not the person, yet, to ask.  Paint, sure, building, definitely, crafting...ehhh...that's not really up my forte just yet!  But, I will tell you that it is not a good idea to use the big fat kitchen scissors to cut out your paper instead of looking to find your small shears.  The cut is pretty important for decoupage, and cutting off excess at the end with big fat kitchen scissors leads you to something like the above picture.

Hope my mother in law enjoys her picture was either the picture frames or mop the floors...she can't take the clean floors home with her though, so I opted to make the frame instead!

Have a great weekend everyone!
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I'm linking to the parties on my sidebar...go see what everyone is creatively gifting!


  1. Can't get enough of the turquoise! Love it!

  2. Looks like a lovely gift. I am sure your mother-in-law loved it.

  3. Wow the Ocean Breeze is such a beautiful color. Great gift for her.


    Thanks for sharing, I'd love your input on my blog!!!

  5. Love the color and the details! I just started venturing into decoupage as well and one of the best tips I've learned is that instead of using scissors to cut the edges of the paper you can use a file (the big, chunky 4-sided ones work best but I just had a regular 'ole nail file for my latest project and it worked fine) to sand the paper off right at the edges. You'd think it'd scuff up the pretty part of the paper, but it you file in a downward motion right on the edge it looks pretty flawless!!

    I found you on the Meet Me Monday Blog Hop but I was thrilled to find another KOW junkie!!!

    Looking forward to reading more. :-)


  6. I love this, thank you so much for sharing! I've honestly never dealt much with frames in Edmonton. My sister said I might want to try and build one myself. I hope it all works out. Thanks again for sharing everything!


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