
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

The Cape on the Corner is doing a blog series for the month of November.  Every week, on Thursday, you write 5 things that you are thankful for that happened over the past week.  I think it's important to realize the positive things that go on every week, so I'm joining this week!  Here goes...

1.  I'm thankful that my in-laws made the 7ish hour trip down to visit Chris and I last weekend.  They came down in May, so it was technically our "turn" to go up there to visit them, but with our zero vacation days, they decided they'd take off Friday and head on down.  We won't be able to see them for the holidays this year, so it was definitely a nice treat to be able to spend quality time together before years end.

2.  I'm thankful that I've got two of my nieces Christmas gifts already.  I'm still working on the third nieces...but these two are off the list! And I got them gifts that I'M super excited to give them because I really think they'll like it...which is the best combination!  I love hunting for and finding the perfect gift.

3.  I'm thankful that my uber busy husband that has no clue how he's going to finish all of his projects and study for all of his exams before the end of the semester (and graduation!!! T-minus 4 weeks and 5 days...ya know, if you're keeping count...) took time out of his day of dedicated school work on Sunday to go for a long walk with me down to the old orange and lemon groves to see if any had ripened or not...even though he knew they'd all still be green.

4.  I'm thankful that the weather has been so gorgeous this week, and that it's started to warm up a bit, but is still at a comfortable temperature.  Our heat doesn't work, so there were a few uncomfortably cold days in this home over the weekend, but I'm thankful that the sun is shining and I can go for a jog without being too cold or too hot.

5.  I'm thankful to have such great friends that keep up with and truly care how I'm doing on a daily basis.  I'm not the easiest person to be friends with (I don't like chatting on the phone too much), but my closest friends don't care that I can't or don't call them on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis...they find other ways to keep up with me, even if I'm the only friend they do that with, and I'm forever grateful to them because of it.  I only have a handful of really close girlfriends, but those girls are the absolute best, and they're always there when I need them most!

6.  Sorry, gotta add one more.  As always, I'm thankful for this guy.  He makes me smile, laugh, and reminds me not to take life too seriously on a daily basis.  It's amazing that someone who can't talk can teach me how to enjoy the simple things in life.  He's the best dog in the entire world...and I will be forever grateful that he picked us!

So that's my things this week.  What do you guys think?  Do you do anything special to remember things your thankful for this month?
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  1. woot! your nieces are super cute-i'm sure it feels good to have that shopping done. i have nothing done, really. i love that your inlaws came even though it was your turn, i'm sure the hubs appreciated seeing them. your sweet dog-i love that you say he chose you. that's how i feel about the cat-we went to a meet and greet type thing, and she kept rubbing against us, and would come when we called her, and i knew she was the one!

  2. Great post and good job at already having some Christmas shopping done! Awesome...I enjoyed reading your blog. Saw you on Sassy Sites blog hop. sTop by when you get the chance:

  3. Ahh, Love you Kara!

  4. So, I check your blog just about everyday and love it! I never leave comments or become a follower - that's just how I roll. But I hope you and your boys have a great weekend but just had to say - CO COCKS!!!

  5. Great, great list of positives! I especially like the part you included about your pup. I couldn't have said it any better -- and a great picture to accompany it!

  6. Hello!
    Just hopping by, I am a new follower. What a lovely blog you have x


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