
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Diaper Babies

The day after Thanksgiving, I'm co-hosting a close friends baby shower at my Dad's home.  Amongst other things, I'm in charge of the decorations.  This past Sunday, I got a head start on a few things.

One of the cute decorating ideas I came up with was diaper babies.  I'm sure other people have done this before too, but I haven't seen them at any shower I've been at, so I'm giving myself bonus points for creativity!

These are super simple to make.  Just take diapers, roll them up, and put a rubber band around them.

Then take newborn sized clothing, shove the rolled up diapers in the leg holes, arm holes, and body, and then add flat diapers to the bottom area.  Here are a rough draft of the two I did, not really exactly positioned just right yet :

What do you think?  Do you think they're cute or do you think they look like dead babies (as my ever so morbid husband claims)?  I think I'm going to put them on end tables or maybe even a cake platter for decorating.  Then the Mom and Dad to be get to take home their diaper baby and keep the clothing and diapers.  Dual purpose gift...decorating and practical...just my style!

Happy Hump Day!
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I'm linking to the parties on my sidebar...go see what everyone else is cutely creating!


  1. I think they are pretty cute and VERY real looking. . . However, be careful how you display them (so they don't look dead) Genius idea!!

  2. Now that is one gift that I would hate to disassemble..LOL!! These are adorable and I think will be the hit of the shower. Clever girl!!


    So happy I found you on Trendy Treehouse.

  3. Too funny! Very creative for the shower. =D

    Found you through BCD.

  4. These are awesome!! I love gifts that double as decoration because then you're not stuck throwing out the decorations or saving them because you feel bad throwing them out!

  5. Sorry, but I have to agree with your husband! :)

    I did something using baby clothes to decorate for a shower as well. I put up clothesline on the windows and around the table and hung the baby clothes on that.

  6. LOL, those are toooooooooo cute! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  7. what a cute idea! but just a little bit creepy

  8. Very original idea but if Im being honest both me and my OH thought they looked like dead babies when we first saw the photos. Bit creepy but good for you for trying out new stuff.

  9. ADORABLE!!! Following from Welcome Wednesday! I'm a new follower and would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  10. That is great. But I can see somebody freaking out cause the "baby" isn't breathing. (I have strange friends) Love it!

  11. I'm sorry, but I'm also going to have to agree with your husband. I think they look creepy. A diaper cake might be a better idea and they still get to keep the diapers and whatever other accessories you attach.

  12. Sorry, I'm going with creepy....they do look real though...

  13. Great idea, Kara! I've never seen this before! I'm totally gonna bookmark this idea in my Springpad account for use later!

  14. Followed your blog! Please follow back
    I also have a FB page!
    I also have some giveaways going on right now. Here is one for a 15.00 walmart card

  15. I love idea! But it DOES creep me out a bit, haha =)

  16. Yeah, I have to go with creepy on this. Creative, but creepy. I like the clothesline / diaper cake idea better. But really, whether or not you use the idea depends on how much of a sense of humor the guest of honor has.

  17. I love these and think they are very sweet and very creative. If you are worried about what the guest of honor and your other guests will think of them as decorations, then show the diaper babies to your co-host and see what she thinks. They look like little sleeping dolls to me and I would have loved them as decorations and gifts at a baby shower. :)

  18. Following you from Free For All Friday! :)
    Awesome post!

    Please follow me back at

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    - Ashley

  19. they may be a bit creepy...but creative! Ha! I think two or three wouldn't be too bad though!

  20. I'd say maybe a little creepy, but they remind me of those dolls that stand in the corner (dressed in kids clothing, standing in the 'naughty corner'). Not that I'd want one of those either, hehe. I'm sure your friends will love them. I don't know about serving them up on a cake platter though...LOL

    Most importantly, they'll appreciate the time (and the diapers!) that you put into them!


  21. Interesting idea you have there. I've never seen these--only cakes and wreaths and such. I can see where positioning would be 'key'--they are too life like for my taste.
    Have fun with the party!

  22. I like the one in jammies best...I agree with other commenters that positioning is key.

    It's a fun idea! Maybe see if you can pose them sitting (I have no idea how that would look).

  23. I think those are adorable :)

  24. Very creative! I think that they are funny!

  25. I think they look kind of creepy just laying there with no context, but in the right setting they would be so cute!

  26. extremely creepy. You might be able to pull of the the sleeping look, but ... yeah, it has too high a chance of looking like kin of the creepy baby cakes at cake wrecks (linke: )

  27. I think they are really cute!!! I would display them in a short oval basket, covered in some fabric or even receiving blankets to look like a bassinet!! I will have to bookmark your idea for future uses!

  28. I think these look great. Maybe add a doll head from the craft store and they won't look as your hubby says DEAD! LOL My hubby would say the same I'm sure. Me personally, I love these. I would make one! Thanks for sharing and for linking up at Trendy Treehouse!!!

  29. These comments had me laughing out loud. As the mommy to be...I loved the idea. Good thing no one crept me out with their thoughts prior to me seeing them in person

  30. I love the idea! I'm gonna make some for the shower I'm throwing my brother and SIL next month. Thanks for sharing the idea, even if everyone seems to be agreeing with your husband. ;)


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