
Friday, November 19, 2010

Baby Garland

I see all of you creative bloggy folks creating great Thanksgiving and Christmas gardlands. Well, I'm in baby shower mode, so that's what I'm sharing. My own baby garland. 'Cept it's not made with papers...just string, onesies, booties, socks, get the idea.  And it's more like a clothes line with baby clothes, but I'm gonna call it baby garland.

Yall's reaction (yes, I say yall, no I don't think that makes me a huge southerner, but maybe I'm just in denial...) to the diaper babies I posted on Wednesday had me literally laughing out loud. I think the responses are about 50/50. Half of you think it's cute and creative, and half of you think it's totally creepy. I get both, I really do.

But, in my defense, the babies aren't going to be lying on my carpet in the middle of my bedroom floor, or on my bathroom vanity, so I still think they're going to look cute. We got the mamma and pappa to be their changing table (stay tuned for a post on that!), so I actually think one of the babies on the changing pad is going to look super cute. Or super creepy I guess, but because all of our friends are nice, they'll at least pretend it's super cute. I'll take pictures and post. I promise.

Onto the baby garland!!

Making some of these things ahead of time is a wee bit tricky because the shower is at my parents home...and we live about 3 hours from each other. So, I called my T.Mom and asked the size of the window to make these. I full expect to have to redo them, but at least I've had a trial run and know what I'm in for this time.

I can't get over how cute the little socks are!!  SO tiny!
My parents have these beautiful open windows to the river that I'm going to hang these from. I have no clue HOW I'm going to hang them yet, but I guess I'll figure all of that out once I get there. Did I mention the shower is the day after Thanksgiving? it all makes sense as to why I'm trying to get as much as possible done before heading 'home for the holidays'. The things we do for friends, huh? They're totally worth it, I promise.

Chris missed his calling to be a super model...he's such a trooper!

 And they're Gator fans...big Gator fans...we tailgate and go to every game with them. Which makes them smart on top of everything else. And they're bringing a little Gator Boy into the world...can you hear it? "And the world will be a better place...yeah the world, will be a better place." My poor husband. I just actually sang that out loud.

No, I haven't had too much wine to drink...or any actually. I'm just excited that my to-do list is finally getting smaller! Cross this one off!

Again, I promise I'll take pictures next week (holy smokes, the shower is only one week away!!). It'll look way better all set up. If it doesn't, I think my handsome hubby holding the string is pretty darn good lookin myself, so that might be my backup plan. Hmmmmm...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Last big one before Turkey Day!
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I'm linking up to the parties in my sidebar...go check out what other people are putting together for their parties!


  1. awww...that's so cute! Cracked up about the Gator fan. I have a few in my family...ahh they are crazy! Lol! (We live in Athens, GA, so we have our own touch of crazy too!)

  2. Super darling!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting about my features for Thrilling Thursday. Since everyone seemed to be in agreement about keeping them, I am happy to announce that the features will be back on Thrilling Thursday next week.

    ~Lori @ Paisley Passions

  3. Great Kara's think alike. We did this for my friend's baby shower and hung the onsies and bibs we decorated on the line for the party decoration. I think I have an answer to your hanging issue. Snap hooks. The suction cup hooks that you snap to the window. At least that is what I used. They are pretty strong.
    Not sure where to buy them we got them a while ago, you could always use 3m command strip hooks too.
    Here was my "baby garland"

  4. Sorry me again, I wanted to make sure what I meant by snap hooks. This is what I used.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We displayed gifts of baby clothes at my nieces baby shower on a 'line'. Huge Hit. Yours are adorable!

  7. What a nice idea! It's also nice to see something not related to Christmas right now. I love Christmas stuff, but sometimes my crafty blogs just overwhelm me with decorations at holiday time.

  8. Cute idea!
    I'm a new follower, hope you can stop by for a visit.


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