
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Happiest Dog you ever did see

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you the following important picture:

The Happiest Dog in the Entire World.  Please excuse all of his hair that he's lost around him...happy dogs could care less about hairy floors.

I looked out my office door to see this :

So I had to go in and get a close up...he just makes me smile.

"Here's looking at you, kid."

We hope you've enjoyed this interruption.  Our regularly scheduled program will be back up and running shortly!

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  1. Ohhhh he's so cute! Love his smile!

    ~The Mama Monster

  2. such a little, er, big cutie! he's making me happy right now!

  3. I don't care what you say ... that's a guilty look if I've ever seen one. Look out in your backyard or something like that. He's wayyyyyy too happy to not having been up to something he wasn't supposed to be doing. You think he's smiling at you? Looks more like hysterical laughing to me! :)

    Love you!

  4. Hello!
    I'm your newest follower from wandering weds blog hop. Seeing this adorable yellow lab totally drew me in! I have one as well, her name is sally and she is 12 1/2 years old. Love that dog! Hope you will stop by and consider following me back!

  5. Ok, biggest smile on my face! How awesome is that pup!! Love that big curled tongue!! You can interrupt anytime with things like this!!

  6. I am a new follower, I hope you will follow me too.

  7. OKAY, admittedly, I'm not a dog lover, but that is TOO cute! My sister has a black lab about teh same age as your Kodi. My daughter dressed up as MoMo for Halloween!

    Stopping by from New Friend Friday!

  8. So cute! My chocolate does the same thing.

  9. soo cute! what an adorable face!

  10. Absolutely adorable! Such great shot!

    Erika B

  11. This post really made me smile! Loved it!!

  12. I am so happy you joined in! What a handsome there feller...I love how he just lays in his domain. Thanks for sharing.I would love if you added my link to the post, thanks so much.

  13. Labs are wonderful dogs, Buster doesn't care about the hair either:) They do smile, he is gorgeous!

  14. He does look like the happiest dog in the world! That fist one made me grin like mad also! Vanna

  15. That's just too perfect-enjoy:@)

  16. These pictures brought a huge smile to my face!!

  17. Oh my, what a beautiful fur baby! He looks so happy that it's making me smile at my monitor.

  18. Beautiful..Love yellow labs. They are so smart. Thats so funny how he's laying.


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