
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pool Deck Makeover Part 1 : Painting the Ceiling

In preparation for our paver's going down, we've got quite a number of pool deck area projects on our to-do list. One of them being to paint our covered area's ceiling.

When my step-dad came over and helped us paint the doors, he mentioned that many people think that blue ceilings keep bugs away. You can google painting your ceilings blue, and there's all sorts of theories from casting away evil spells to deterring bugs. Regardless of what's true and what's theory, we like blue and thought it would add a nice crispness out there, so we put - figure out a color of blue, purchase, and paint - on our to-do list for the long Labor Day Weekend.

I don't know about you guys, but I can look at paint chips for days and days and think I love a sample, get it on the wall, and hate it. So, when Young House Love posting their sunroom ceiling makeover, I was sold on their color (Tide Pools by Behr).

First up though, we had to caulk around the edges and fill in the gaps in the drywall.  We sanded these areas in preparation and discovered that once upon a time, this ceiling was pink (!).  I guess it matched the pretty in pink pool deck.

Chris either really wanted to procrastinate with his homework, or really felt bad for me, because he came out and helped with the trim, and then took over painting the first coat on the ceiling.  My shoulders / arms felt like they might fall off.

I was on my own for the second coat though, and we went through two full gallons of paint.  That ceiling is HUGE!

We love the way it looks though, and the way the water and sunlight bounce off of it.

The blue changes hues by where your standing and where the sunlight is.  The above and below pictures were taken of the exact same spot, but the blue looks more dramatic in the top picture and more subtle in the bottom picture.

That's step 1 of a bunch of steps, so stay tuned to see what else we've got planned for out there!  If you'd like to see the demolition part of the outside area, go here.

Deets rundown:  Paint:  Tide Pools by Behr.

I'm linking up to the parties in my links tab!


  1. Love it!!! It looks amazing. Thanks so much for sending the link our way!

    Sherry (& John)

  2. that looks great! i've never heard that about bugs, but i am glad to learn that little tidbit today!

  3. I love the color! Never heard that about bugs before, but good tip. Let us know if it really works!

  4. My parents have what looks to be the exact same shade of blue on their patio ceiling. I love it because of the way the color seems to change depending on time of day and where you are on the patio. Not sure if it deterrs the bugs, they have some touch ups every once in a while from dead bugs on the ceiling but this is Florida so who knows how bad it really would be! Either way, I love the shade and why not use every surface to add color!
    Another bug deterring theory: fill up a ziplock bag with water and just a few pennies. Hang it from the ceiling near the door/garage door/entry way/etc. to deter flies. If you can find the perfect spot to hang the bag, it actually works!

  5. Love the ceiling! Found your site today (a link of a link I think) and have spent too much time admiring all of your DIY work!!! I'll continue to follow. . .

  6. What a beautiful blue! It really adds a calming presence to the room.

  7. is your pool enclosed in a patio!? i have never heard of the blue ceiling thing before, that's very interesting.

    hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Thanks for joining our blog hop over at Sassy Sites! There are some amazing blogs out there, and you are definitely one of them! I'm a follower of yours too! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  9. Wonderful job, and beautiful home. Love your blog.

  10. Oh I am soooo jealous!! I love the blue ceiling!! When we repaint our house, I am going to paint our porch ceiling blue too! Yeah, I've read about all the wack theories as to why you should paint your outside ceiling blue, kinda crazy.

  11. What a great job. The perfect color for that project! TFS @ Thrilling Thursday!

  12. Love! I plan to paint my porch ceiling blue as well - whenever we bulid our dream house. It really is a beautiful look!

  13. I keep trying to convince my husband to paint our ceiling sky blue; he keeps resisting. Maybe this will convince him!

  14. I love a blue porch ceiling! So very southern!
    Beautiful job!

  15. Love that blue!!!!! Thanks for linking up! :)


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