
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cute Pick Me Up

My friend Lauren emailed me last week asking how I was doing. I was having kind of an off week with a lot of different things, and vented to her in my response email. Poor Lauren.

The other day I received something in the mail from her, which is semi odd because she lives about a half hour away. I opened it up and a million  a few puzzle pieces came out of the envelope.

Chris and I got to work on putting the puzzle together.  Neither one of us are very good puzzle people, so it took us a lot longer than it should have, but it was a fun break from the million different projects we've got going on right now.

Once we got it all put together, here's what she looked like:

And when I carefully flipped over the back, here's what that looked like:

(Ignore the greasy finger prints...we were eating dinner while putting it together).  It was such a nice gesture that really made me smile and lifted my mood.  It's such a small, simple gesture that can really put a smile on someone's face!

Thanks Lauren, you're awesome!!


  1. That is so thoughtful! What an awesome surprise Lauren!

  2. Stopping by from NFF...that's so sweet! How thoughtful! You are lucky to have such a great friend!

  3. What a good friend you have in Lauren, you are blessed!
    I'm stopping by from NFF too! I've made so many new friends today, must be a good day for blogging. Truth is it's so hot, everyone's inside. ;-)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier...I'm repaying the favor, but I have to say...*cough* War Eagle! *cough*

    What a sweet friend you have! And how did she do that?

  5. Thanks Ladies! I am blessed!

    She called it a puzzle card...I'll have to ask her where she got it from! It's a puzzle meant to be a card!

  6. That is an adorable idea!!
    Visiting from NFF


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