
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Vinyl : Cute or El-Cheapo?

I've seen from bloggy world that Vinyl Art is making a comeback, and I think done right it can look tasteful, not cheap.

I have this section of wall above my wine bar that I've wanted to fill.

My only problem is that there's nothing to lean a picture against  under there (the previous owner re-did it I believe and just left the lights for fire safety...), and it's SO hard to get up there to hang a picture without knocking over any wine glasses.

I came across some vinyl art on clearance at Target that I thought would be perfect there.

I think it's at least a good solution for now, but I can't decide if it looks nice or cheap.  What do you guys think?

Hmm...Problem Solved or a just for now solution?!  I'd love to know your thoughts!


  1. ok I know what you mean about the vinyl. I like some phrases/quotes and the chandlier style (have a huge vinyl chandy that I still don't know where to put it) It doesn't look bad but I really love the quotes more and think "In Vino Veritas" would look great- Italian phrase
    "In wine there is truth" Like your blog great style. Lisa

  2. I think it draws too much attention to the awkward space, I'd take it down and not worry about putting anything up to replace it.

    BTW, love your blog!

  3. I think something the size of a tobacco basket....or a wine barrel lid! something neutral but textural.

  4. I'd take it down and get one of those all over wall stencils. Pick a color from the room and do the stencil on that part of the wall.


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!