
Monday, July 26, 2010

Family Fun

We had our last planned visitors of the summer over this past weekend. One of my sisters came over with my brother in law and two nieces. It was their first time visiting our "new" house (we moved here at the end of April last year). On the first night, one of my nieces said our house was like a Hotel because there were just so many rooms.  Kids are funny!

Having a 7 year old and an almost 8 year old around for the weekend was definitely a change of pace, but a ton of fun!  It was the first time we got a lot of quality time with my adopted niece from China.  She's been a part of the family for the past 8 months, and I was so impressed with how well she speaks and communicates in English.  My sister and brother in law are doing such a great job!

After I got home from running 8 miles Saturday morning, we got ready and headed to the Florida Aquarium.  Saturday night we took the girls out to the golf course to see the deer, and Sunday we played around the house all day before having to say goodbye.

I did finish up a project and get another one almost finished before they got here on Friday.  Be sure to stay tuned this week for more posts!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Happy Monday!


  1. Cute picture of the four of you! What is your "new" neice's name? How is she adapting?

  2. I saw a little girl at the beach on Saturday that looked exactly how I imagine you looked around 7 or 8 years old. Made me think of you. =)

  3. Jenny - Her name is Ashlyn, and she's adapting so well!! She blends right in, sassy attitude and all! She's so funny!

    Too funny Erin! I think I was still in my cute phase at 7 or 8...when I hit 12 or 13, oh, hello awkwardness!


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