
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Four Year Anniversary

I have pictures to prove it...we did absolutely nothing but fun stuff for an ENTIRE day (can you believe it Steph?!)! We've both decided that we're ready for retirement already. Too bad I'm living until I'm 102.

To start the morning off, I made Chris breakfast in bed (yummy strawberry recipe at the end of this post), and printed out and framed our vows that I said to him four years ago. He wrote me this SUPER sweet letter (which I'm not allowed to post...but trust me, that man loves everything about me...including my "frowey hair"!), and got me roses. The 4th year anniversary gift is supposed to be flowers and fruit, so we stuck to that!

So what else did we do you ask?! We went paddle boarding!! ( boarding? With a paddle...that makes it paddle boarding, right?!)

We have the worlds greatest neighbors and they offered (we didn't even ASK!) to let us borrow their paddle board. We headed out to the Dunedin Causeway. We initially planned on renting a kayak and one of us kayaking and one of us paddle boarding, but then we both got on the paddle board and decided it was too much fun to go solo.

We headed out to Caledesi Island (the island pictured straight out in front of Chris) and rode around on the waves with the board, did a lot of walking and talking, and just had a great day together.

After we came in, we were super hungry from being out in the bay all day, so we headed over to one of our new favorite places, Ozona Blue. We sat out on the deck and ate and had some drinks while listening to a guy play on his guitar. So perfect...even WITH my frowey hair!!

And to cap off the night, I made Chris some more yummy cream filled strawberries. They were seriously so delicious!!

For those of you that are interested in the recipe, just take strawberries and cut off the tops so they lay flat. Then cut the strawberries in two but not all the way down, so that you have somewhere for the cream to go, like this:

For the cream, mix together 8 ounces of cream cheese (I used the low fat kind, still sooo good), 1 tablespoon vanilla, and 1/4th a cup of powdered sugar. I let the cream cheese sit out for a bit to soften. Beat those 3 ingredients together and then put that in either a pastry bag (yeah right, like I have one of THOSE) or in a zip lock bag and cut a small hole in the corner to squeeze out your 'frosting'. And Viola! Beautiful, delicious strawberries and cream. If you try out the recipe, let me know how you like it!

I am so lucky and blessed to be married to such a great and amazing guy. He's so perfect for me, and I love our life that we've created together!

Next post won't be so sappy, I promise!! Happy Tuesday! I'm linking up to these fun parties...go check them out!

I'm also linking up here for the 4th of July!

MuralMaker and More 


  1. You know, I actually really like your frowey hair in that pic! I'll have to try those strawberries too. Yay for recipes!

  2. It seems so amazing that it has been four years! You are both great individually but, together what a fantastic team.
    Love, MOM

  3. Thanks for the frowey hair compliment...haha, I think!!

    Thanks Mom!! So sweet!!

  4. Oooh, these look delish! Congrats, btw. These would be great for 4th of July, don't you think?

    Would love for you to stop by Thursday & link 'em up to Fab Finds for the Fourth.

  5. Thanks Colleen! I did indeed stop by and link up. Thanks for the invite!

  6. Yay, Kara! Thanks for linking up and adding my button!

    I don't think I can wait 'til the 4th to try those strawberries. Anything with cream cheese & I'm there!

  7. FIRST OFF: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Our 4th is on July 4th :)
    and I'm totally makin' those strawberries! They look AMAZING!

  8. I wish I'd found these before the fourth of july...but I know what I'm bringing NEXT year! Seriously, how cool would these be with a little white chocolate (colored blue, of course!) drizzled out of a ziploc on top? PERFECT for a healthy-ish, yummy dessert on a hot night. Thanks for the inspiration...and congrats on the anniversary!

  9. Coming over from Sassy Sites and saw your header then had to find the yummy looking strawberries. These sound sooo good. Thanks for posting!!


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