
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog Design Updates

I've made a few changes to my Blog Design. You'll probably barely notice them, but they're there. Now, when you reach the bottom of one page, you'll have the option to go to Home, Older Posts, or Newer Posts if you're not on the main page. Simple upgrade, but long over-due.

The second part might be slightly annoying to some. I've added google ad sense in here on the bottom right corner (I might move it up eventually). For now, this blog is for me and not to make a profit off of, but I thought I'd give ad sense a try. Not for me, but for my race.

Check out this post to see why, but I'm running a half marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. Whatever 'revenue' I generate while I'm training for this half marathon (the race is on October 17th), I will donate back to my efforts through LLS. If you'd like to read more, check out my fundraising / training website here.

And if you see anything of interest over there on the right hand side of my blog, please check it out! I might add the links to the bottom of each post too...but I thought I'd start out subtle and work my way up. I don't want this to seem like some annoying blog that all I care about is money. The money raised here isn't for my personal benefit in any way, it's to stomp out cancer!

Wow...two blog posts in one day!! That's amazing!! Leave me some comment lovin on if you think this is a great idea, dumb, or annoying!!


  1. Nice idea. Have you seen my blog? You'll have to teach me how to do this fun stuff. I'm a blog virgin right now!

  2. I DID see your blog! Very cute! Ha, it's taken me 6 months to figure out the basics...I'm working on it though! I'll help you where I can!


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!