
Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Weekend Recap

Whew...I'm exhausted! I'm not sure if my weekends are a break from my week or if my weeks are a break from my weekends anymore!

So, lets do the weekend recap, with promises of longer posts with pictures later on in the week.

Chris and I celebrated our 4th anniversary. I can't believe we've been married already for four years. We're officially out of the newly wed stage I guess...someone told me the newlywed term is only valid through 3 years of marriage. We're now an old married couple. We actually took an ENTIRE day and did nothing but fun stuff. I'll have pictures later... And I am the luckiest girl in the entire world for landing Chris. He's the best husband anyone could ask for, and he's my very best friend. Maybe that's why time has flown by...

Friday night Chris helped me shove and lick 100 envelopes for my fundraiser. Seriously, he's the best.

Saturday, he got up with me at 5 a.m. to go run. Again, the best. I ran 6 miles at a pace of about 9 mins / mile. It's freaking hot. Really hot. But that's okay, because the reason I'm doing this is bigger than me being uncomfortable for a few hours running. As long as I keep the perspective, mind over matter will win every time!

We ran around and did a ton of errands, enjoyed some yummy Cracker Barrel, and then headed home and passed out. I had a hard time waking up the rest of the day, but did manage to get a few pictures hung and I worked on my annoying project some too.

Sunday we got up, and Chris did school work while I pretty much finished the worst project in the entire world. Pics to come later...I've still got finishing touches to do! In the afternoon, we tackled the yard. I can tell I'm semi sleep deprived. I ran our lawnmower through our fence. Yep, literally, through it. Pics of that later too.

So, to all who called yesterday afternoon / evening (Janelle, Yulander, Jennifer, Ashleigh), I'm sorry I didn't call you back. I was busy re-building my stupid fence from my stupid lawn mower running through it! I'm a mess!

Stay tuned this week for posts on all of the above! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Happy Monday!!


  1. Oh darn it, I forgot. Happy Anniversary!! Can't wait to find out what the mystery project is. =)

  2. Awww...thanks E!!! LOL, mystery project will hopefully be completed and up by the end of this week!


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