
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Texas House : Living Room

Our living room in this house feels a little bit bigger than our last, although if you'll remember, we had a pretty big one in our last house as well.

As a refresher, here's what the selling picture of our living room looked like :

I couldn't get the same exact angel (darn no wide angle lenses!), but here's what it looks like now from pretty much the same viewpoint :

All of our furniture kind of fit like a glove in this living room, with the exception of the rug.  I really wanted a larger area rug at the last house too, so I kept my eye out for one that I'd like that would fit into this space when we were in temporary living.  Serena and Lily had a 30% additional off sale price, and I found exactly what I wanted.

Everything else is pretty much the same, with the exception of that coffee table.  I had gotten the round one when Kalia started walking.  Our previous table (you can see it under the window in the first picture of the old house) I nick named the death table.  I love, love, love the look of it, but we obviously got it before Kalia came into the picture.  It is super not kid friendly!

We found this one on craigslist (along with almost all of our new bedroom furniture, stay tuned for that post!), and it has the same feel as the old one, but with rounded edges.  Perfection!  It is so nice to be able to set a few drinks or magazines or whatever on a flat surface without having the small circle to work with!

We left my pallet shelves screwed into the wall at the old place, so this bowl houses all of my magazines and coasters.

The fireplace wall is my favorite.  I love it so much.  The hidden TV behind those cabinet doors to the left, the fireplace itself, and the bookshelf (that looks sort of sparse, but that's what I've got to put in it for now!) make me so happy!!

I love all of the crown molding and big baseboards in this house as well.  The shutters, and all of the trim is a creamy off-white.  I love white trim, but I'm not re-painting it all in this house.  Not with the shutters matching the cream color.  Trim I'm up for, shutters?  Outside of my patience level!  It is growing on me though!

So what do you guys think of our living room?  It does feel pretty homey to us since this was our basic setup for the last 5 years!

Hope everyone is having a great week!
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  1. Wow! Craigslist table for the win! I love the bowl too. That table was a major find!

    How are you liking Texas so far?

    1. Thanks so much Diana!! Agree, I've scored huge on Craigslist since I've moved here. It's been crazy!

      Oh, how do I like Texas? Sigh...loaded question if I'm being honest! I love the people that I've met, everyone is super friendly, but I miss my old friends and neighbors a lot. And so does Kalia, which makes it a little bit tough. We are started to make friends around here, it just feels like we're so unsettled in our personal life whereas we were so rooted in Florida! All in due time though, I know!


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!