
Friday, April 8, 2011

Sister Spotlight : Digital Scrap Booking

My sister Jennifer is the crafty one of the crew.  I'm more of the brute force, build, and tile kinda gal, and she's the creative crafty one.  Sometimes I can fake craftiness, but she's the for real deal.  She makes home made cards that look way better than Hallmarks, and within the past few years has gotten into digital scrap booking.

For those of you that are scissor challenged like me, digital scrap booking is the way to go.  It's also so much easier just to put everything together online and have it shipped to you already done.  We get family calendars this way every year from my sister, and it's such a practical, yet still pretty way to scrap book memories!

Jennifer used digital scrap booking to make my baby shower invites that she sent out last week, and since some of you want to see what I look like as a fatty :-), I thought I'd give you the best of both worlds...a creative post with images of me sporting my newfound bowling ball.

Just an FYI, Jenn used her Creative Memories software program Storybook Creator 3.0 to create these 5 x 7 landscaped cards.

This is the front of the invite :

And then when you open up the card, this is whats on the top :

The image on the right is Chris and I at 20 weeks pregnant.  He forgot that he's supposed to gain sympathy weight for me.

The bottom, or 'main' part, of the inside card shows this :

Believe it or not, I put my camera on a ladder and hit the timer button to take the series of pictures above.  Kodi's actually cropped out of the top picture.  I have no idea how that dog knows to smile at the camera, but he does.  I couldn't stop laughing in this mini photo shoot I did with the two of them, so please pardon my bad posture and even more round face from laughing!  Again, Chris isn't keeping up with the sympathy weight like he's supposed to!

Amazing, how much 'growing' I've done, huh?!  That picture was taken at 29 weeks.  I just keep getting bigger by the minute these days, I swear!

And then when you flip the back of the card over, you see this :

I love that Jenn incorporated the things we've done for Kalia's nursery too!

So what do you guys think?!  Are you sold on digital scrap booking or do you prefer the old school method of scissors and paper?  And isn't my sister talented?!?!  :-)

Happy Friday everyone!  Hope you guys have a great number of weekends to get things done before Kalia arrives are dwindling much to do, so little time!

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  1. We love digital scrapbooks too. They are faster, easier, and cheaper than the traditional ones. What's not to love? Those invitations are adorable. I love the idea of including pictures of the nursery so people now what colors to buy, if there is a theme you are using to decorate, etc.

  2. Wow...that Jennifer is really talented ;-) Just kidding! I'm glad you liked them enough to post them on your blog and thank you for the wonderful compliments! I love you and can't wait for your shower.

  3. I'm leaning more and more towards digital scapbooking. Darling invites!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. yeah for baby bump!! :) you look so cute! got your response...i have been a TOTAL SLACKER lately and keep meaning to do a blog update. i hate to promise that a post is coming soon, because as sure as i do, it won't happen, but it is on my to-do list to get back on it! glad to be missed though :) hope your last few weekends are great!


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