
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kalia's clothes

I know an entire post dedicated to my unborn childs clothes may seem a bit excessive, but let me tell you...this girl has some CLOTHES!!  Half of my project time this weekend was spent sorting through her hand me downs from friends that we had already washed, and then washing and sorting all of her clothes she got at my baby shower a few weeks back.  We had already gone through and washed all of her hand me down clothes, but they were just sitting in her bassinet in our closet until we finished up her dresser.

This weekend I sorted out her clothes by age group.  It became real obvious really quickly that putting all of her clothes in the dresser and on hangers just wasn't going to be practical.  And I'm all about practical...especially when it comes to trying to make anything easier with Kalia!

I decided to keep out her 6 month and under clothing, and then put up the rest of the clothes she has in her closet in cute gift bags that I had received from my shower.

Here's Kalia's dedicated drawer for her onesies :

And here's Kalia's dedicated drawer for her pants, shorts, bloomers, sleepers, and swaddlers.

Keep in mind these clothes are from newborn to 6 months old.  Which means they're tiny.  And these are the the two large drawers.

In all honesty, I don't know that she'll fit in most of her newborn clothes for very long, if at all.  I had an ultrasound on Monday, and at 32 weeks, she's weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs and 11 ounces.  With 8 weeks left to go, she easily could exceed the 5-8 lb weight range that newborn clothes (and diapers for that matter!) boast.  Oiy!

We have one of her smaller drawers dedicated to burp cloths and a few bibs:

And then her other two small drawers will be dedicated to diapers / wipes / etc..  We are using this for a changing table too after all!

So, that's just her folded clothes.  Her closet is looking quite full too!

The top row is newborn and 0-3 month clothing.

The middle row is 3 month clothing

And the bottom row is 6 month clothing.

We dedicated the top of the closet to clothes that she'll grow into.  I sorted out the age groups of clothes, and then put them in individual bags based on size.
6-12 months

6-9 months

9-12 months

12 months
18 months +

I actually used the gift tags on the bag to label the clothing size too.

That way, when she's outgrown these clothes, we can do a swap!  I like that the gift bags are pretty up there too...pretty, practical, and functional...right up my Engineering self's ally!

We've dedicated two of Kalia's baskets from her closet already too.

One has hats, beanies, headbands, and leggings :

And the other has socks and mittens.

I've already been forewarned by Chris that he will more than likely put socks on her hands at some point.  He was so cute doing all of this with me this weekend...I had to explain to him what the headbands and mittens were for, and how the swaddles and sleepers worked.  He's going to make such a good Daddy!

It was a lot of work sorting through and folding her clothes, but it was exciting and fun work!  These little tiny outfits are so adorable, and I can't wait to have a little tiny body to put in them!!  Less than eight weeks to go!!  Woot!

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

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  1. Smart idea to reuse the gift tags to mark the sizes! It seems like tons of clothes now, but you can't have too many during those first few months where they sometimes go through five outfits in one day. (spit up, poop, spit up again, spit out half of their bottle during a feeding, etc) Our daughter was born over 9 pounds! She was in 3 month size clothes within the first month. It was such a waste of newborn clothes. At least we were able to pass them on to friends. What an exciting time for you! The dresser really does look beautiful!

  2. So cute! Glad to see your purse hanger came in handy! :-)

  3. i remember doing that for my son as well. we got the 4' tall plastic drawer containers for his closet and i asked for a label maker on my baby registry... people thought i was crazy but now they be borrowing it!!! I labeled each drawer by size and onsies, pjs, etc. and now as he gets older i just replace the label to tshirts, shorts, pants, etc. I Love iT

  4. Found you from Wondering Wednesday. Such a cute blog. I love how many clothes she already has. So fun. I love the three white dresses and bubble outfits. They are the best. One think I swear by is white onsies. My kids wear them every day til they are potty trained. Of course they wear them as an undershirt and not an outfit but they complete an outfit. Following now. thanks.


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