
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Awhile back, my Grandparents gave me this gold mirror and told me I could do with it what I wanted.  They moved into a new home, so I got some of their old goodies.

I loved the details of the mirror, but the gold wasn't really working with what I wanted it for.  While Chris was priming the hallways a few weeks back, I had him go ahead and prime this mirror too.  I'm lucky I have a husband that goes along with most things!

And then I went to town on it.  I don't have any of the step by step pictures because I just kept making stuff up and adding on another layer.  I wanted it to capture the color scheme I'm using for Kalia's room (that's where this will eventually wind up), so my first layer was a pinkish mixture.  I broke all of the rules and mixed my red water based stain with my white paint, and added a little bit of gray into it.  Then I slopped on layers of my blue from Kalia's closet and dresser mixed with white, followed by some dry brushing of the gray we used to paint Kalia's walls, and finally ended with some dry brushing of just the blue color all on its own.  I added in black paint around the border to sort of give it the black frame look, but still allow the pinkish concoction I came up with show through.  I used my glaze mixed with a little bit of black and slopped some of that on there too.

Seriously, there was nothing neat at all about painting this mirror.  There was no game plan either...I just wanted a layered look that incorporated her room colors.  I stopped when I liked it!

Ready to see?

On this next one, you can see the black dry brushing I did on the outside part to give it more of a black framed look.  I didn't go all black though, I definitely wanted the layers to show through.

Here's a picture of the whole mirror.  Mirrors are so hard to photograph...sorry for the lack of good entire shots!!

And here she is in her new home...

I know, the lighting is off in this picture...and I can't show you the whole wall just yet.  I've got another project to reveal first!  You can tell that this is hanging above Kalia's dresser / changing table though...right across from her bookshelves.

What do you think of my mirror transformation?  Do you like the layered look or would you have preferred just to keep it one simple color?  I'm really into layering paints right now...I just love the effect that it creates!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far...Happy Tuesday!

P.S. Thanks so much for all of your kind comments on my maternity pictures!  So sweet!

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I'm linking up to the parties on my sidebar...go check out everyone else's transformations!


  1. i think it looks great and it will look awesome in her room!! i love all the details of her room!!

  2. Turned out beautifully! I really like it. =]

  3. Very cute....I just did a mirror transformation too =)

  4. Very cool! and you are a Gator fan so that makes it even better :-)

  5. I like the deep blue color. I just finished creating a frame for my bath mirror. so fun.

    new follower!

  6. Love the change! The layers of different colors add great depth!


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