
Friday, April 22, 2011

Maternity Pictures

For my birthday again this year, Erin gave me the gift of maternity pictures. I thought I'd share with you guys a few of my favorite. Erin's so's such a special gift to give me, and I'm so thankful she took the time to do these for us!

Here I am at my 31 week mark...

The two things I've missed the most with being pregnant are running and volleyball.  Chris and I love to play volleyball together, so this was a fun picture to take that captures 'us' so well!

Funny though...I still think Chris is slacking on keeping up his end of the weight gain even with carrying his volleyball!!  Mine's still bigger!

And finally, here's one of my favorites from Chris and I at the park.

Thanks so much Erin for taking the time to do this for us...such a special friend to capture such a special time in our lives!!

For those of you that are into stats, I had another ultra sound yesterday.  She's already weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs and 12 ounces...with a little more than 5 weeks to go!!  She looks healthy and happy, and we couldn't be more excited for her to get here...hopefully sooner than later!!

Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!

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  1. Great pictures!! That's gonna be one cute baby!

  2. Your maternity pics are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us!

  3. I know I say it a lot, but you are looking so amazing! I'm so glad I was able to capture a little of this special time in your lives. I can't wait to meet her!!

  4. These are beautiful! You are absolutley radiating!

  5. Cute! Where did you get your flower tank? I am have been looking for some cute shirts:)

  6. I love these photos, Kara! You look stunning.

  7. You are so beautiful! Pregnancy has only made you more gorgeous. Love these photos. I am sure you will cherish them for years to come!

  8. Thanks so much for all of the compliments!! Erin does such a great job!!

    Stefie00 - I actually got the shirt from Marshall's. The brand is Design History, which I've also seen for sale at Bloomingdales if that helps any!

  9. oh my gosh, that volleyball one is really funny and smart, but that last one is just pure "awwww."


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