
Friday, April 1, 2011

Finally! Finished Pool Deck

I'm so happy to say that our pool deck area is finally finished!!!  You know, for now...  It's done enough that we could finally put all of our furniture back on it this week, and it's at a point where it's checked off our "to-do" list before Kalia gets here.  Yes, I said it was almost finished back in October...I know.  Some things just take awhile!

Since October, we had a pool screen guy come and replace the entire screen.  Because of first trimester woes, planning a baby shower, our babymoon, and working on Kalia's nursery, finishing up the pool deck got put on the back burner for quite some time.

This past weekend though, Chris and I put two coats of sealer on the deck.  Thank goodness too because it was a wet wet week!  I tried to get decent pictures of the pool deck all week, but this is what the back of my back yard looked like this morning from the all week pouring down rains that we got :

Last weekend was beautiful though.  Here's Chris pouring the sealer into our round-up sprayer :

Because I'll start my 8 month of pregnancy on Monday, Chris is really weary about me lifting too much.  So, we came up with a good game plan to seal the pool deck.

Chris carried around the back pack and pumped while I sprayed.  Chris back rolled the areas that I sprayed to make sure that we got a nice even coat.

I know, my husbands work clothes are H.O.T!

Yes, that meant that I couldn't get any further away than about 2 feet from Chris.  It was quite comical, but quite efficient.

We weren't so lucky with the second coat.  The sprayer broke, and we were too anxious to get the job done to make a trip down to any home improvement stores before finishing.  We just put the sealer in a paint tray and Chris rolled the deck that way while I scooted around on my rear and painted all of the edges with a paint brush.  Not exactly fun, but worked!

Besides Florida rain leading to mold / mildew issues, another big reason we insisted on sealing the pool deck is so that when Kodi decides to walk on it looking like this :

We can just spray off the dirt and not worry about staining the pavers.  And because I'm clumsy...but we can just blame that on Kodi.

Lets go back and show you where we started :

And here's where we are today :

One of my favorite features of this house is that the sliders to the living room open all the way up.  It's great for entertaining!

We painted the pool deck ledge, the house, and the trim.

As well as the pool deck ceiling.

We painted the outside area of the house too and the trim, and then spray painted the outside lights blue to tie in with the inside blue ceiling.

It's so much more relaxing and fun outside now!  Pretty in pink pool deck is GONE!  Woo Hoo!

We actually removed the old 1x2's at the bottom of the screen and had the paver guys install the pavers all of the way to the edge of the existing pool deck.  Then when the screen guys came, we had them install the 1x2's over top of the pavers to give it a new pool look.  It was a lot more work (getting up the 1x2's), but it was most definitely worth it!

Even Kodi approves of the 1x2's being on top of the pavers!

The thing I've missed most about not using our pool deck for the past 4ish months...

Sitting right here with Chris on the weekend mornings and drinking our coffee before getting our day started.  This weekend, this habit will resume!

Tip for anyone going through the whole pool / screen remodel...don't let the contractors take your old aluminum.  We took our old 1x2's from the bottom of the screen enclosure and made an extra $50.

Oh, and wanna know what else was going on this week?!

We got a complete new AC system next winter, we'll have heat!!  Woo Hoo!!

We want to repaint the patio furniture, and eventually add some cushions or something to brighten it up out there, but like I's good enough for now!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  TGIF!

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I'm linking up to the parties on my sidebar...go see everyone else's transformations!


  1. This post makes me jealous that i dont live in GORGEOUS weather with my own pool...!!!

    It looks AWESOME! kudos kudos kudos.

  2. You two are just so busy! It looks amazing!

  3. I want a pool! I found you on the girl creative. your deck looks great, I'm impressed. love diy home projects.


  4. Its looking fantastic, I'm very jealous of that crystal clear pool. I'm pimping my patio at the moment so love to see what others are doing with their outside space :)

  5. Wow! It looks amazing! I remember when you were just starting this and it's a big transformation!

  6. Just found you through the Meet Me Monday blog hop. Am loving your blog - your backyard looks amazing! Am a new follower now.

    Would love if you'd visit my blog:

    Turning a House into a Home

  7. What an amazing space. It looks beautiful. I would love a space like this. You must truly enjoy it.


  8. What an fabulous space you have there! It is beautiful what you have done with your pool deck. Great job!


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