
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tutorial : No-sew bench cushion

In my nursery room closet design, I had pillows sitting above the toybox.  I really wanted a bench cushion to go above it too to soften up the hard lines of the toy box, and to bring in the pink-ish color to the closet.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know my love of fabri-tac.  It's such an easy way to make a bench cushion in no-time flat!

I had left-over foam still from my bench cushion last year.  It wasn't exactly the right size, so I cut out a piece of foam to fit, and then fabri-tac'd it together.  After that, I just placed my foam on top of my upside down fabric.

Next, I put a thin bead of fabri-tac on the outside edge of my fabric, and then pulled it tight around the back of the foam.  Fold the corners like you're wrapping a present.

Wala - Bench Cushion!

Next up, I added a few pillows (still not sure that I love them, but they're fine for now), and Chris hung this cute mirror we got from Home Depot.  I plan on finding matching ribbon or using some of this pinkish fabric to make the chain prettier, but this is good enough for now!

I'll post the entire closet reveal on Friday!  Hope everyone's having a great week!

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  1. I'm so happy I saw this post! I've been dreading breaking out my sewing machine (which I really don’t know how to use) to make a bench cushion and thanks to you, now I don't have too!

  2. Super cute idea! I cannot wait to see the whole closet. I'm just loving what you are doing with the entire nursery!

    And did I mention, your bookshelves look AMAZING!!!

  3. Glad I found you through the blog hop;
    hoping you stop by and follow me back.

  4. I love reading nooks! Yours is perfect for any little kid to cozy u and read a book! The tutorial is great for people like me who cannot sew.

  5. Thanks for the tutorial! I have been wanting to do the same for my daughter's bay window bench. I've got the foam at least! :)

  6. Looks great!!! I made a similar bench in my craft room last year, but I LOVE the details you have added to yours with the name and the molding. Thanks for linking up to Thrilling Thursday!

    ~ Lori @ Paisley Passions


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