
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Master Bathroom Update

Way back in early November, I showed you my freshly glazed white bathroom cabinets.  Believe it or not, my bathroom has been in a state of disarray since that time.  I mainly painted the bathroom, with my handy mask on, but got too tired and pukey to finish.  I literally got about half way done, then put my paintbrush down, and went to bed.  That happened a million times, and I never got around to finishing it prior to leaving for our big trip.

Now that the first trimester woes are over, and I've got some of my energy back, I was ready to move back into our Master Bathroom.  Which meant Sunday, instead of unpacking from our trip, we finished this up.

Here's a before picture of where this all started :

Not bad, just not our style.  Too dark and royal.  I really like the painted wallpaper (shocker for me...I'm anti wallpaper most of the time, but I think of old wallpaper, not trendy wallpaper), so I decided just to paint over it. I wanted to emphasize the dimensions of the wallpaper, so I attempted to glaze over it after I painted it.

I don't know if this picture shows it quite well enough, but I couldn't get the glaze to go on evenly enough, and with all the vaulted ceilings in that bathroom...I decided emphasizing the dimensions, for right now, was overkill.  I'll probably go back later and try something else, but we've got a nursery to plan!!!

I took all of the old light covers and vanity lights outside and gave them a fresh coat of white spray paint.  We painted the trim around the doors white (my Step Dad had sprayed the doors white back in July), and repainted over where I had glazed with the new aqua color (Tide Pools by Behr).  This is the same color we used on the ceiling of our pool deck makeover.  We had an extra two gallons left after the pool deck ceiling project, so we opted to use it in here.

Which means, so far, this redo has set us back a total of $0 (I had everything on hand, leftover from other projects).

Here she is!!

There still are some accessories that I need to finish up or buy (the empty curtain rod won't be like that for forever).  Overall though, I'm pretty happy with how much we've brightened up the space.

My color inspiration for this redo were these towels :

Here's a before and after of the other side of the bathroom :

So what do you think?  Did you like the more royal look before, or do you like the open and airy vibe we've got going on right now?  I'll post more pictures when I get new curtains and a few accessories for this bathroom, but I'm so excited that we can actually USE it now!!  Yay for the small things in life!

Hope everyone's having a great week so far.  Stay tuned for Friday's post...nothing like another giveaway for Kara's Korner readers to kick off the weekend right!!  Hint, hint...
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I'm linking up to the parties on my sidebar...go check out what else people are transforming!


  1. Wow, I love the wallpaper, and like you, I AM NOT A WALLPAPER person!

  2. It looks airy and seaside-ish. I think it looks so inviting and relaxing now. Very nice =)

  3. oooh i like the new colors soooo much!

  4. Love the beachy look you've got goin' on! So much more livable than the "royal" vibe. Great job!

  5. Beautiful! Truly like them both. . .but am learning that the second (re-do) is *so* more your style :) Glad you can do that -- change up something that is already good to make it great.

  6. I did like the royal look, but I really like the spa kind of feel that your bathroom has now.

  7. Wow! It looks amazing! So bright and fresh! I love that you used the towels as inspiration because I did the same thing in our guest bath!

  8. my gosh, that wallpaper painting changes that room so much! i had to look between the two to see if you did something else, but no, the mirrors and lights look the same. awesome job!

  9. Hi, I found you from Trendy Treehouse... nice to meet ya :) I love the bathroom!! the after is definitely more my style... Can't wait to redecorate our house one day.


  10. Loving the after. Definitely looks more open and more 'calm'. Great job! :)

  11. It looks GREAT! I love the color.

  12. Oh my, this looks fab, especially compared to those before pictures!!! Great job!

  13. I love the price tag on this re-do! It looks great with the lighter colors. Definitely better than before. So..did you re-paint over your glaze? I like that textured wallpaper so much! Maybe I'll give it a try? ;)
    I'm having a giveaway for a FREE gallon of paint...hope you can join!

  14. Hi Meg! I did just repaint over only the glazed part of the walls. I think if I had more time, I would've taken a paper towel and rubbed in glaze for a more even look that was a little bit more subtle, but since time ran out :-), I just repainted over the glaze and called it good enough for now! Thanks!


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!