
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Baby Shower

Thanks so much to everyone for their kind and sweet words on my latest post.  The emails and comments I got were beyond touching, and I really truly appreciate every single one of them.  I'm doing better...I'm gonna focus on what I tell other people to do...look for the rainbow after the rain.

Also, thanks for all your compliments on our family pictures!  Some of you guys seriously made me blush!!

Now...onto more fun posting pictures of the baby shower!!!

The shower started at 530 p.m., so the other girls started showing up around 5 to put their food and decor out before the Mom and Dad to be showed up. Here's some photos I snapped really quickly before the chaos began...

First up, the changing table with the diaper baby and the m&m favors.  Only one diaper baby made it on display.  The other one I couldn't figure out a way to creatively incorporate.  Besides, we wound up needing the diapers for one of the games!

As far as the books on the changing table, we had asked everyone to bring a book in lieu of a card, so we could get the babies library started.  I think the Mommy and Daddy to be really appreciated this!

The Hersey's Bar Favors.

The Diaper Cake with a few more of the Favors for decoration.

The two Baby Garlands on either window.  Thanks so much to another Kara for suggesting using the 3M removable hooks.  They worked so perfectly, and I think my T. Mom has now taken stock in them for hanging her Christmas decor!

Here's a view of the room from the kitchen :

Oh yes, and Kodi.  That's Kodi's second home, so he protects it and watches over it like he does his own.  And yes, that's the Auburn / Alabama game on TV.  I'd like to say that I had the football game on because it was a coed shower, but we all know how much I enjoy watching college football (even if it's not the Gator's - go SEC!).

My parents recently redid their kitchen (in all honesty, they recently redid their entire home...I'll have to do a before and after post at some point), and their bar area works out perfect for doing buffet style food and drink.  All of my co-hosts brought something, so this entire counter was filled to the max once everyone got there.

We used the large containers for water and sangria, the decanters for wine,  and then on the far left we made a non-alcoholic punch.  I put out little labels so people knew what things were, which worked out perfectly!

After dinner, we played a few games.  To get the guys involved, we did a diaper changing contest between the boys.  We had 2 rounds of three guys (one of the experienced Dad's was disqualified...when you have 2 still in diapers, it's just an unfair advantage!)

Round 1 :

Uncle to Be, Dad to Be, Grandpa to Be
Round 1 winner : Tie between the Daddy and Uncle to Be!!

Round Two
Ryan, Tim, and Chris
 I had to include that picture for round two.  Do you see my husband's face?  He's looking at those diaper tabs like 'what the heck do these things do?!'  And you wanna know what his diaper baby looked like?!

 No, the doll didn't come with a dirty diaper already.  Oiy...I have some work to do one day!!

Obviously, Chris didn't win round 2.  Tim did.

Round 3 : Playoffs.  From this picture, it's obvious that the soon to be Daddy won!!!  Yay!

He might need to give Chris pointers one day!

Here's the only picture I can find of the gift table, and the "best balloon in the entire world".  The baby's name is Yulander III, so it was a really cute balloon.  We had flowers dispersed throughout the table, which added such a fun touch!

Gift Table with Grandma to be!
And lastly, I'll end on a picture of the Uncle, Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy to be :

It was such a fun shower...a lot of work and love went into making it as special as we could, and the Mommy and Daddy to be really appreciated it all.

So what's the end verdict on the diaper baby?  Still creepy, or did you think it worked well on the changing table?  I really did have such a good laugh reading through all of your thoughts and opinions on guys surely are entertaining!

Thanks again for all of the kind words on my last post.  Your support is so appreciated!!

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  1. This looks like it was super fun! I love that picture of Chris trying to figure out the diaper (Does this come with instructions?!) You did a great job, and I personally think the diaper babies are cute...and a little creepy.

  2. Super cute! Love the idea of bringing a book instead of a card. Great job!!

  3. the view from the house! the bar! the men doing the diapers! love it all. and should i ever have children and necessitate a shower, i will surely play that game. note to self...make sure men attend shower!

  4. You have to tell me where you got those large drink dispensers. THOSE ARE GORGEOUS!!!!! Great shower ideas - you did a great job.

  5. CUTE! I'm throwing a shower this weekend and have a clothesline garland to hang. I love those large drink dispensers!


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