
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Family Photos

I have some amazingly talented friends. Seriously, no joke, no lie. You'll see in a minute...

I mentioned awhile back when Chris, Kodi, and I were being goofy in the pool that my girlfriend Erin gave me family pictures for my Birthday back in March.  She's such a talented photographer, and I was seriously so excited for the gift.  The only problem was, time is never my friend...and you have to make time to do these things.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, we all decided to clear out our busy schedules to make time to do this...and I'm so glad we finally did.

You guys are used to seeing me looking something like this:

And this is probably on a relatively good day.  That's in a ponytail, sans makeup, and with exercise clothes on.  That's the me that I represent in this blog anyways...

But Erin is a miracle worker.  Seriously.  I mean, I did up my hair and makeup, and Erin came over and picked out my outfits the night before to wear, but how she managed to make these pictures look so good is beyond me.  My absolute favorite part about them is that she captured 'us'.  She knows me better than most (umm...sorry E!), and Chris and I actually both had a TON of fun doing this photo shoot.

So, without further ado, here's the pictures Erin and Chris posted on their blog :

Oh my goodness...I have to comment on just this one.  Isn't my husband HOT?!!!

Okay, I lied...this one too.  Even our feet shot captures us.  I'm constantly standing on one foot (don't ask, I have no idea why), and Chris always stands with his foot sideways like that when he's in dress clothes.  He's like a 7 year old boy trying to play dress up.  So cute!

Amazing right?!  She didn't even photo-shop anyone else's heads on our bodies...that's for really us!!

If you'd like to read more on our background with the photo shoot, or want to see some more amazing and beautiful pictures, visit Erin's Blog.  Or if you'd like to leave her some comment lovin to tell her how amazing it is that she can clean us up that well, feel free to do that too!

Erin put so much work into this photo shoot...from helping me pick out my outfits, to finding SO many different amazing places for us to do our photos at, I'm so grateful to her (and her hubby :-)) for doing this for us.  These are pictures that I'll forever cherish and it means the world to me that she just did all of this out of the goodness of her heart for my birthday.  What a special friend!!!  Love you E!!

Stay tuned for Friday's post on the baby shower...Hope everyone's having a great Wednesday!

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  1. Those turned out great!!!

    ~The Mama Monster

  2. how gorgeous! your eyes are insane, seriously, and i love the one with your dog and the water in the background. such pretty shots, tho! how great to have these!

  3. Love you too! Your friendship means so much to me also and I'm really glad you guys like them. =) After being such a big supporter of our photography over the past few years it was great to finally have you in front of the camera... and believe me, I didn't have to work that hard to make you look gorgeous. XOXO -Erin

  4. the pix are great!! she did a great job you guys look sooo cute!!!

  5. Oh my goodness, she got some AMAZING shots. You both look amazing (as does the dog!!) Wow!!!

  6. These are wonderful pictures! She is very talented!

    have a great evening.


  7. Spectacular settings and photography! But, seriously, Erin had two beautiful people and a fetching puppy to work with here. I assure you, not even Erin could make me look that good.

  8. Wow! These photos are gorgeous! You two look so happy!

  9. Aww so cute! I am jealous! I need a friend like that.

  10. She really captured your beautiful eyes. . .looks like all of you had a lot of fun!

  11. How adorable you two. Erin did a great job capturing your candidness.

  12. I'd say photoshop is an amazing tool ... but then people might take it the wrong way.


    Love you - Dad

  13. I love your photos!! You two are so cute!

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