
Friday, October 15, 2010

Pool Deck Redo : Day 4

These are the last pictures you'll get to see of the pool deck until well after it's completely finished.  So sad, I know.  I'm leaving this morning for San Francisco for my half marathon race, so I don't even get to see the final product until I get back.  That is, unless my wonderful husband decides he likes to blog and takes over this for a day.  I think writing intimidates him though, so I wouldn't hold your breath!

Hope these hold you over in the meantime!

So dusty and dirty, but it's really starting to come together!

I asked Kodi what he thought of it.  Today's the first day we've let him out here since Monday.  He wants to know what the heck we did to his swimming pool.  He absolutely does not approve of the big blue tarp there.!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a great week next week!  I'll be back the week after!

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  1. I've been reading over the past few days . . . you all have done a really good job! Can't wait to see the finished product. Especially the before and after pics. Good luck at your marathon!

  2. It's looking great! Have a good time at your race!!

  3. oh man, the brick work is looking sooo good! i am sure you can't wait for it to be done. good luck on your race.


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