
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pool Deck Done (Minus Final Clean-up/Touch-up):  Day 5

Sorry for the delay in getting this up for everyone (including my fabulous wife) to see.  I see Kara told you that I have a somewhat fear of writing.  While that maybe true sometimes, I think Kara told you that just so I would post.  I don’t know if that played on my slightly competitive side of me or if was just straight reverse psychology but she has gotten me motivated to post to keep you up to date on our progress.

As you know, Kara is out in San Francisco running the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.    She has overcome several injuries over the past few months, so we are just hoping for a successful finish. Wait coming in from Kara........wahoo.........completion in 2 hours 10 minutes!!!!  Way to go babe, I am so proud of you!  Those hills are crazy.  I can’t wait to hear all the details about your run.

On to the paver project…  We (well I) took off all the 1x2’s that secure the bottom of the post and the screen so the pavers could extend all the way to edge of the deck.  Unfortunately, for the paver guys it required them to thin set all the pavers on the outside edges of the deck.  This was the only way we could be 100% rid of the pink deck, so I would not have it any other way.    I also think it will help secure the screen posts as well when we get it all done.  

Thin setting in all the exterior pavers took two guys about half day on Friday to get them in.  Once complete the guys dumped masonry sand all over the deck.  Just when it was starting to look good they made it a complete mess again. Next, they used a broom and water to push the sand in between the pavers.  The best part of this is that if we ever crack a paver or stain one, then we can pull it and replace it.  All right, enough with the words.  Here is how it turned out. 

Here is picture of them pushing the sand between the pavers.

Here is another of the deck.  The color is very dark when the pavers are wet.  As you can see in some of the later pictures, as the deck dries the color really lightens up.

 Say goodbye to pink deck.

 Looks like need to re-install the pool equipment before Kara get's home...
They still have to come out and complete final clean-up on Monday which includes filling any empty holes with sand.  Yes Kodi, clean-up means they will clean the pool too!  He really misses it as you can see

We have some more work to do after Monday, but it really starting to look good. 


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  1. Wow, what a beautiful pool deck!!! You guys made a *great* choice with these pavers. Thanks for the post Chris and what an *awesome* finish Kara!

  2. Another Wow! It all looks great. Congrats on the run to Kara, too.

  3. Well, I think you did a great job posting Chris! Good job on your half marathon Kara :-) Can't wait to see you guys for Thanksgiving. Love you guys!


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