
Thursday, July 15, 2010

I can do anything...or so I think.

I saw this listed for FREE on Craigslist (sorry the image quality is's their pic, not mine!):

image 1842406167-0

I've really been wanting to re-upholster something, so my first shot with something FREE sounded perfect!

Keep in mind that I think I can do anything.  While Chris supports most of my endeavors, he does reel me back into reality quite a bit.

I thought I'd give you an insight into our marriage.  I found this listing over lunch and IM'd it to Chris telling him I wanted to go pick it's how the rest of the conversation went down:

Chris: the couch is kinda gross

me: strip down and recover
i want to recover something

Chris: have you forgotten about your allergies

me: no, i'll tear it all down outside
while wearing my cool mask

Chris: are you going to restuff it

it's called batting not stuffing
i'm not making a durn turkey
i'm laughing though

Chris: with what

me: batting

Chris: you cant sew yet

me: staple gun

Chris: omg

me: don't omg me...i've seen it done!

Chris: dont you think you should start small

me: nah, go big or go home

Chris: not a whole frecking couch

me: well, because it's a frecking couch and not a freaking couch, i think i can handle it.

Chris: do youknow that will be serveral hundred for just the fabic..

me: no way

Chris: 14 yards

me: i'll find clearance fabric
clearance fabric is like 2$ a yard
so that's 30$

Chris: dude

me: don't dude me

Chris: where the heck do you want to put it

me: we have a 3400 square foot home. i'm pretty sure i'll find it a place. Perhaps the game room?
Or if we can't, I can sell it!

Chris: i dont know if we need a pull out if we are getting it for a game room
plus they are uncomfortable

me: you suck

Chris: thanks?

me: boo

So, I have no new/old couch to recover for this weekend...or the next month or two, or however long it would've taken...but, my hubs is a smart guy most of the time, and he's probably right on this one...sigh...oh well.

I'll just have to find something else to create after work!  Err...or, maybe I should just finish the doors...


  1. This was close to my conversation with Shawn when I wanted to slip cover my grandmother's old couch. I saw the step by step instructions on slip covering at and I really want to try it because I really LOVE white slip covered couches. My problem is that I don't have a sewing machine and I'm not sure I have the patience right now. When we get a bigger house and I get a sewing machine I'm sure I will try again!

  2. Haha! We have the exact same conversation all the time. My husband (who is also an engineer) is usually convinced by my argument that if it sits for too long or will be too expensive for me to re-do then we can take it to Goodwill. That way someone less fortunate can make use of it and we can get a tax credit. Right now there is a 6-foot long 1940's record cabinet sitting in our garage because my neighbor had set it out for trash day. :)

  3. Girl... now that's ambitious! I'm with the hub... start with something smaller (a chair..LOL) :) But I know what it's like when you got an itch to do something!! Laughed at your convo!! Hubbies... sometimes they bring us back down to earth ... or try to!!! They just don't get it when the creative juices are flowing! :)

  4. Your IM conversation reminds me EXACTLY of my husband and I, on IM every day when I find random stuff on Craigslist. Hahahhaa... awesome. I'm seriously excited to see how it turns out because that is also something I've been wanting to do but haven't had the guts yet.

  5. You can so do it!! I receoved two pieces when I went to college. Of course, you are going to need some time. But you have a great peice to recover because it doesn't have any weird angles! Oh please show the finsihed product!!

  6. Thanks for the follow to Hollywood Chic, we both have the same desires (i never finish mine ;))! Returned favor.

  7. Man, Kara, I wished you didn't live an hour and a half away...we have a lot of the same interests and hobbies! Ever since discovering the sites Better After and Remodelaholic, I, too, think I can reupholster! LOL! I think I'm going to start with a chair first though, since I don't know how to sew either! I do have a sewing machine sitting in my dining room, though, just waiting for someone to teach me! I'm loving your projects! I believe you can do it!!!


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