
Friday, June 18, 2010

Mini Plant Pot Makeover

I decided I needed the plant kind of green in my living room for the pallet shelves. I headed to Lowe's and came across these four.

They were small, and they're lucky bamboo to boot (who doesn't need a little extra luck in their life, right?), so they came home with me. The only problem was the mini-pots they were in were just kind of blah. I set them in the pallet shelves, and decided immediately that I needed to put something underneath them to elevate them a bit.

But then the blah base would be showing. And I don't want blah in my newly redone living room.

So, they got a face-lift.  I took my leftover fabric from making my bench cushion, my trusty fabri-tac, and got to work.

That one, I confess, I messed up on.  Initially I thought I should empty everything out and glue it down, but it wound up being much easier to just leave the plant and rocks in place.  This one has a little bit of an issue if I put in too much water.  It gets the fabric wet...sigh.

One side not water the plant BEFORE doing this project.  You'll wind up with a lap full of water when you try to fold the ends over.  Just make sure to pull everything VERY tight to keep ripples from forming, and glue down as you go.  Then wrap the bottom like a present.  It doesn't have to be's the bottom!

The tops were still lacking, so I took a piece of burlap(ish) fabric that I had received as a tie around  a set of books, and added that to the top.  I wound up cutting the ribbon at an angle at the top so it could fold nicely over the rim of the plant.  I basically cut a 45 degree angle, or mitered, my corners.

Here's all four of them completed:

So much cuter!

I haven't built up anything yet to set them in the pallet shelves, but had some leftover wood wedges that I put under them for now.

I think I need to do some sort of book wrapper or magazine wrapper around the other things in the pallet shelves to clean up the look a little bit.  It just looks kind of busy to me.

Or maybe I'll just relocate them to my kitchen window.

It's an easy peasy little spruce up that cost me nothing in addition to the $8/plant I paid. What do you think? Kitchen window or pallet shelves?

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!! I'm excited to say that I've got an after work date with the hubby at Home Depot today!! Woo Hoo!!!

I'm linking up to these fun parties...go check them out!


  1. Love the plants! They do look a little busy in the shelving, but I'm loving them in the kitchen. =)

  2. My vote is the kitchen! Plus they're easier to remember to water there

  3. Chris agrees with all of you guys...they're getting moved to the kitchen!!! Thanks for the comments!

  4. Wow! Very Creative!! I found you over at Today's Creative blog. I dropped by to invite you and your planters to my garden party that starts tomorrow! There will be lots of great projects to see and some awesome giveaways!
    Hope you can join us!!

  5. Thanks Sharon. I linked up a few of my yard parties! I appreciate the compliment!


Like what you saw? Have a question? Got a suggestion? Leave me some comment lovin!