
Friday, May 7, 2010

Big Project Reveal

It's finally finished...and it's Friday, which means we got it done JUST in time for Chris's family to get here...whew!

Last night we put it altogether, and I couldn't be happier. I thought I was proud of my bench...

I'm not really all about girl power or Ms. Independence, I just like to get things done, so if Chris isn't available, I do it by myself. Lucky for me (poor Chris), he was free last weekend and could help me with my next big furniture endeavor.

I get the PB Catalogs, and told Chris a few months ago that I wanted to get this to put in one of the someday kids rooms so that my sisters kids, his Grandma, friends with kids that come visit, etc. would have a place to sleep. And it could be a fun 'game' / kids room too.

Image Courtesy of Pottery Barn

He laughed at the $899 + $125 for shipping price tag and told me to get over it.

After I built my bench, and found the plans for the daybed on Ana's website, I KNEW I could build it instead. I don't think Chris thought I was serious until he pulled into the garage on Friday to this:

Being the good sport he is, he went along for the ride. He also isn't okay with me using a saw just yet (nail guns, fine),so he was in charge of running his miter saw. I guess I can understand. I constantly have cuts / bruises all over me from things that aren't big and scary. I knew I married him for a reason!

And by Saturday afternoon, we had this:

I spent ALL DAY Sunday priming and sanding. With it being in the 90's last weekend, and high high humidity, everything took forever to dry, so Sunday night, we moved the primed 'boxes' into the other someday kids room. And then I started painting...and painting, and painting, and painting. We're thinking about building another one, and next time I'd definitely paint all of the boards beforehand and then just do caulk, touch up work, and the final coat on the outside.

I wanted to emphasize the dimensions of the daybed, and it's clean lines, so I sanded the top and the insides of the boxes and stained it, and then repainted the faces white. It was! But I absolutely LOVE the way it came out. Ready to see?!

Here she is!

And here's the stained edges:

Ignore the otherwise empty room...we've still got a ways to go there. My plan is actually to build another one of these, move this one over closer to the closet doors, and put the other one on the other wall with a tall table coming up from inbetween the two. Sort of like this PB pic:

Image Courtesy of Pottery Barn

Which is why I got the smaller turquoise rug. For now, the empty floor kind of dwarfed the rug, so I put an old brown area rug underneath it. I'm still debating about whether or not the area rug is too bright...thoughts?!

So that's what I've been up to all week long, and all weekend long. We both absolutely LOVE the way this turned out. I love that I got to spend time with Chris building something together. I can't begin to explain how rewarding the feeling is of doing it ourselves. Oh, and cost wise. For all of the wood (I bought high quality oak instead of pine this time), the paint, primer, nails, wood glue, wood primer, and brushes, it cost us just under $250! I got the baskets at Lowe's for $20 a piece...I couldn't believe how lucky I was to find BIG baskets like that for SUCH a reasonable price! The bedding is from all over...Kohl's, Target, and Stein Mart.

Happy Friday...hope everyone has a great weekend!! We'll be spending the whole weekend with Chris's Mom, Step Dad, Granny, Brother, and Sister in law, so we have a fun, project free, weekend in store!  I'm linking up to these fun parties...go check them out!

Psst...wanna know what the room looks like now?  Check out this link to see the latest!


  1. Yay! I get to leave the first comment! This bed is amazing! You can really see your work in the finish. I love your bedding and pillows. Beautiful!

  2. I like the turqouise rug! Once you get more furniture in there you could take the other rug out and it will look just the right size I think. The day bed looks great too!

    Have fun this weekend!


  3. Wow... I love LOVE this project. It turned out great. I'm headed to paint my first re-do furniture in about 10 minutes, and this was truly an inspiration

  4. AWESOME JOB!!!!! Of course, I expected nothing less! Now I want one too - dammit man! Oh - and the rug is perfect - really brings out the colors in the pillows. Great job on the floor too - I had missed that one. Love you!

  5. you are very talented and I love the aqua rug - a pop of color

  6. Thanks for all of the compliments! I think I'll keep the aqua rug...the more I see it, the more I love it! Thanks again!

  7. Wow! You rocked this project too! It looks awesome! I love the colors you chose! I think the rug looks fabulous! I think I recall seeing this picture over on Ana's site. My first project (the Cameron bookshelves) made it onto her blog too! I was so proud of myself...even though hubby and I did it together.

    Man, you have to try the miter saw! Such a feeling of empowerment! I'm a bit nervous about the table saw as the blade is right up there just waiting to chop by fingers off, but love the sliding compound miter saw that I bought with my birthday money last month!!! Not scary at all!

    I wonder where you live??? I noticed you said it was hot and the 90s and it was here in Southwest Florida too!

    I can't wait to see your other projects! I found you coming from the Shanty2Chic website. I have a habit of clicking on links which take me to other links, etc. That's how I found Ana and Knock-off Wood. My life has changed since that day about a month ago!

  8. I just read your "about me" and found that you DO indeed live in Florida. Man, it's hot here, isn't it? Wish you lived just a wee bit closer. I'd love to have a woodworking buddy for when my husband isn't around. I live just south of Sarasota. My husband and I lived in Tampa for three months at the Ronald McDonald House near Tampa General in 2000. Our daughter was born extremely premature and we stayed up there to be near her. We still get lost every time we go up there though.

    Just wanted to say "Hi, neighbor!"

  9. Hi Paula! Thanks for the kind words! It definitely IS hot here. I don't think we got a spring this year...straight from winter to summer!

  10. Hey all,

    Not sure this will be of any help, but after building my first book shelf for my daughters room, assembling it first, then trying to sand/paint it, I realized how difficult it is to sand and paint assembled furniture! No wonder the pottery barn stuff is $100 to $200. So, in an effort to try to shave time off of painting, I found a air compressor latex spray paint gun for $13 from a local hardware store. I gotta say, if you have an air compressor, give this a try! Not only is it much faster, and it uses far less paint, it dries faster, and their is no brush marks (I was using a cheap brush originally that left stroke marks). It looks really really good and I can spray into corners of the assembled product without drips as well. I picked up a gallon of hi-gloss paint for $20 and some Floetrol to mix in with the latex to provide a bit thinner paint for the sprayer (apparently this helps with spray guns and it offers less drip at the expense of a bit less sheen).

    Anyway, future projects I will cut, sand, kreg-jig, then paint.. then assemble! Lesson learned.

    Your bed came out wonderful btw Kara.

  11. Your bed is gorgeous! I am in the middle of making mine. It is my first big project, so I am scouring knockoffwood looking for complete beds. Being in the middle of a not-so-perfect project, I am amazed at how perfect your lines look.

  12. Thanks Anne Marie! I think you always notice your own flaws in things you do. It's not so obvious to the outside eye! I'm sure your bed will turn out great! Just stick with it!

  13. It's just gorgeous! We're in the process of building one of these, and I'd love to know which primer/paint you used.

  14. Thanks Sally! I used the Kilz Primer, and the Home Depot's Behr Ultra White for the paint. For the next one I make, I actually think I'll still use the Kilz Primer, but I'll probably get the Behr paint with the primer put in it as well. I did use 2 coats of paint on everywhere and 3 coats on the face of it. I initially tried using Valspar paint, and I probably would've had to put on 5 coats to get it as white as I wanted to...

    Good luck!

  15. Thanks. That's exactly what I used! I like the idea of the paint w/ primer in it. I'm contemplating another coat of paint on the outer part, so I'm glad to hear you say that. I think I definitely need to upgrade my brushes/rollers, though. Thanks again. You're right about's the pits! :)

  16. Hi again Sally! One last comment...I did use upgraded rollers and I still had the fuzz on everything. I had to sand with 150 grit sandpaper in between each coat of paint (including the primer) to get the smooth finish!

  17. Wow!! Really good job!! Looks fabulous!!

  18. I absolutely love this. You guys did an amazing job! I want to make this too -- but I'm still reviewing the plans to wrap my head around the process. This is just beautiful! BTW - I love your pillows and bedding.

  19. This is amazing Kara.. Thanks for sharing.. Can I link my blog to yours? Thanks..

  20. Thanks Haley!

    Thanks Amanda!! Building the bed was actually a whole lot easier than I imagined it being...the finishing part was the hardest!

    Jade, Absolutely...and thanks!

  21. Very nicely done! I'd love you to share this on Modern Craftswoman Monday! Hope you can join the fun! Rory

  22. So glad you were able to link this project to Modern Craftswoman Monday, too! Just love this! Thanks, Rory

  23. Hi Kara! Your daybed was one of three projects I highlighted for this weeks edition of Modern Craftswoman Monday...just thought I'd let you know. Hope you'll join us next week, too, with more great ideas! Thanks, Rory


  25. I am totally amazed at your skills! This is awesome and I would love to try this someday. I was wondering what kind of mattress you have on the bed?

  26. HeiDiLaiNe - I used a daybed mattress that I purchased at Sam's. They're twin sized, but not as thick as a normal mattress. They're 8'' in thickness instead of the 11'' that a standard twin mattress is. And thanks!!

  27. Ah, a girl with power tools. Can we be BFF? Can I come over to your house and use your miter saw? :)

    Great job on the daybed, and kudos to your assistant too.

  28. Where have you been? I can't believe you've just solved another dilemma for me. I am RSSing your blog this minute. This is beautiful, practical, and just what I need.

  29. Awesome job Kara!!! I'm so impressed. Definitely keep the turquoise rug, it looks great!

  30. Greetings from Chicago! I came across your blog somehow, and it's great. My husband and I just bought our first home here, and it's going to take a lot of work to make it polish. I love to "do it myself," and I love the ideas here. Keep 'em coming!

  31. Hi Kara, great job on building this storage daybed - it turned out great! I contemplated making one and debated on using a regular mattress on top or using a thick cushion like the tan ones shown in the pottery barn image; what did you use for the bedding (regular mattress, linens, comforter or did you buy a specific mat cushion for this bed)?

  32. Hi Lauren! Thanks! I used a daybed mattress that I purchased at Sam's. They're twin sized, but not as thick as a normal mattress. They're 8'' in thickness instead of the 11'' that a standard twin mattress is. The bedding is a reversible thin quilt that I got at Kohl's. You can actually probably see it a little bit better in my 2nd daybed building adventure, found here :

    Hope that helps! Good luck!

  33. Absolutely love this! I have something similar already built that was initially going to be used as a banquette, but I'm thinking that I might want to use it elsewhere now! You did a fabulous job!

    I'm following you now!

  34. I've been drooling over this since I first saw it a few weeks ago! I've finally decided I'm going to try and make one...hopefully two if the first one goes well! I was wondering what size of baskets you used in your cubbies?

  35. Hi Casey! The baskets I used are from Lowe's and they measure 20" wide by 11" high. I know our local Lowe's still has them, and they were around $20/basket.

    Best of luck with building it...we most definitely love both of ours!!

  36. Love your beds! We're making 4 of them! I can't find the baskets on Lowe's site though. Can you send me a link?!
    chelleulm (at) gmail (dot) com

  37. Hi Chelle,

    Thanks so much for the compliment! I did not order the baskets online, I found them in the store. Lowe's website isn't the easiest to navigate through for things like that either, sorry I don't have a better answer for you. They still carry them in my local Lowe's though, so if you have a store nearby, maybe try checking that out.

    Best of luck with making your four beds! Ambitious!

  38. WOW! This is so CUTE! I was actually looking at that same bed my BP. You have inspired me! I think I am going to try making my own.

  39. Do you have the measurement for the bed and the measurements for the project, I would love to build one for my 5 year old, who needs a big girl bed.

    1. Hi, it's just a standard sized twin mattress ( 39" x 75") and the project is 40 1/2" x something around 77". My daughter is sleeping, so I can't go in and exactly measure, but it's something really close to that. The link to the plans on Ana's site are here : . Best of luck if you do make it!

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