
Friday, May 4, 2012

You Light My World

Moving along in finishing up our outside projects, we got our pendant for our entry way and installed it this week.  Yay for light!

When we were looking for pendants we wanted something unique that wasn't too over the top, especially in the price arena.  I saw some of the most amazing outdoor lights, but when it comes down to it, we just weren't willing to spend the big bucks on something that hangs outside.  It's crazy how expensive those things are!

And then the latest Pottery Barn magazine showed up, and it had their Moroccan Pendant, and I was sold!  They had just sent me a 15% off coupon for PBKids, so I called and asked if they'd apply to to a PB order.  The lady said no, but that she could give me 10% off, and they were running a free shipping promo too...score!  Love it when everything works out like that!

First up, we wanted to make sure everything worked before installing it.  Of course, being Kara and Chris, we had a casualty.

Actually, after Chris dropped the light bulb and it shattered into a million pieces, he said "Call me TJ".  My Dad's name is Tom, and TJ stands for Tom Junior around these parts.  I can say I come by my clumsiness (and also knack for DIYing house projects to be fair) from my Dad.  Apparently spending a weekend with him rubbed off on Chris.  Love you Dad!!  :-)

The pendant came with a 12 foot long cord.  Where in the world do you use a 12 foot long cord to hang a pendant?  It looked like a tether ball instead of a pendant!

We took out the chain links and then wrapped the wires up in the top of the ceiling.  Our 8 foot ladder wasn't quite tall enough to reach though, so we did the completely safe thing and put concrete pavers up underneath the ladder to elevate it some.

I don't recommend doing this for anyone else.  It's definitely not safe.  I like my life, apparently Chris goes back and forth on his :-).

When it was all said and done, we got exactly what we were looking for.  I love the way the light plays off the cover of the pendant.

It reflects perfectly on our blue ceiling, and we've gotten tons of compliments by neighbors already.

Chris initially thought it was too small, but most pendants are pretty small.  We got the 12 inch one instead of the 8 inch one.  What do you think?  Do you like the new look of it?  It's much better than the gaping hole or rusted goldish thing that was there before, that's for sure!

Next up for the 'finishing it off' task in the front is getting that fountain re-painted!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  We've got family in town through next weekend, so postings will probably be scarce next week.  Happy Friday!!

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