
Friday, July 15, 2011

Vanity Area Update

Well, we finally got around to our first home improvement project since having Kalia.  She doesn't really sleep as much as normal babies do, so getting things done, besides feeding her every hour or so, is quite challenging!  Unfortunately, she came down with a cold last weekend.  While she was sleeping her cold away (she's better now!), Chris and I took advantage of the down time and repainted our vanity area.

We had repainted our bathroom back in January (post here), which left our vanity / closet area looking pretty bad.  The two colors clashed pretty badly, and we knew we wanted something a bit darker to make the area a little bit more cohesive, but went to work on the nursery instead.

Here's what the area looked like prior to our paint job on Sunday :

And here's what the area looks like now :

If you look carefully in the next few photos, you can see how this area ties in with our Master Bathroom paint color scheme.

The paint color is Mermaid Net by Behr.  We took the Tide Pools paint swatch that we used to paint the bathroom and went two shades darker so that the colors would flow well from one room to the next.

We both were a little iffy at first about the dark color, but it feels warm and soothing all at the same time, and definitely makes the bathroom a cohesive area instead of being so disjointed.

This is just one of a multitude of projects I've got planned to get our Master Bathroom up to par.  Every time I walk into Kalia's nursery, I'm jealous that she's got a nicer room than us!

So what do you guys think about our new vanity area?  Do you like the dark color, and how it compliments the light color of the master bathroom, or is it too dark for you?

Stay tuned to see what else I've got up my sleeve.  I'm ready for a nice, relaxing Master Bedroom instead of the hodge podge of a room we've got going on right now!

Hope everyone's doing well.  Thanks so much for all of the sweet compliments about Kalia's nursery...I so appreciate every one of them!!!

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  1. That's a lot of painting :-( I don't know how you guys do it, but you do! Looks great.

  2. I love that shade of green! I am with you on the non-sleeping baby issue. My daughter didn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time for the entire first 10 months & she didn't nap at all during the day. It sucks!!!!! All I can tell you is that sometime around 10 months she started sleeping through the night and has ever since, it will happen eventually for you too. Hang in there!

  3. It looks great! you made excellent choices.

  4. What an absolutely adorable DIY! Well done.

    I hope that you will stop by and enter my giveaway.

    Happy Monday!

  5. I love it! I just can't believe you're doing this stuff with a newborn baby! Get some rest : )

  6. i know, right, i echo lisa's sentiment! although, a relaxing master would be ideal right now. i won't mind watching that redo, lol. great new color!

  7. That looks amazing! Well done! I'm super impressed that you tackled this with a baby!

  8. Lovely vanity!! That's what I need is a big area just for me! I also have a jewelry box similar to yours ;) New follower!

  9. I love the dark vanity and all the paint color choices.
    I am following you from wandering wednesdsay!!!

  10. Love that green - it's so pretty and mixes so well with the other colors(nice job)! :) Following you from the Meet Me Monday hop (would love a follow back!)

  11. ooh la la. I am totally loving your wall color choices. Very out of the box and definitely intriguing. I want to see more! :)
    Pam @ BeColorful

  12. Wow, it really brightened things up!

    And I can relate...its hard to get things done with little ones around!


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