
Friday, May 13, 2011

Tray and Paper Towel Holder Makeover

I think I can chum this next project up to nesting.  I have other 'to-do' projects that are more important, but this one was quick, easy, and more of the instant gratification type.

We have a coffee zone area on our kitchen counter-tops.  I don't know why, but it bothers me that everything just sits along the back of the counter-top.  I wanted a coffee station, not just a coffee zone.  So I grabbed an old serving tray that we rarely use, decided to give it a face-lift, and make my own coffee station.

I took the blue metallic paint that I used to do the faux granite counter-tops in Kalia's bathroom and painted the edge of the tray.

Then I found some orange scrap paper that I had laying around, decoupaged it to the tray in a pattern I liked, and voila.

A tray that's much more our style.  Orange and Blue...oh yeah baby!  Go Gator's!

I decided while I was redoing this that our paper towel holder needed a face-lift too.

I mean, really, who couldn't use a little more blue and orange in their lives / home, right?!

So I painted that little tile the same metallic blue.

And then I cut out a piece of orange scrapbook paper, gave it a monogrammed H for our last name, and voila!

Here they are in action :

Oh yes, loving my new coffee station!!

Our coffee mugs are up in those tall cabinets, so I officially have a coffee station now with a coordinating paper towel holder.  It seriously took zero time to do...the longest step was letting it dry between coats (I used two coats of decoupage).  Oh, and Chris finally hung our kitchen calendar that we got from Hawaii.  You know, 4 months later.  Hey...better late than never, right?!

Happy Friday everyone!!  We have a big project that we hope to get done this weekend (yes, I know I said my projecting was done...don't worry, Chris has done all of the heavy stuff!), so stay tuned to see if we're still around to show you it on Monday.  Personally, I hope we're not, and I hope Kalia's here instead!!

Have a great weekend!
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  1. I love this! So cute and quick and Makes your coffee look tidy! Mine is scattered about on my counter also, might have to try this. DIY folks always give me hope lol :)

  2. Thanks so much Kristi! Good luck with yours!

  3. just an's "voila" not "wala". but i love the colorful projects!!


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