
Friday, May 27, 2011

Mini Living Room Project

I know, you guys can't believe I'm so close to my due date and still doing projects.  Me neither.  I think breathing these days is a project in and of itself.  But things that would normally get put on a 'list' drive me nuts right now, so if I can muster the energy to get something done, I do it.  Even if it's small.

After we moved the cable, I noticed the shoe kick around the fireplace just  It's too light, doesn't blend in with the floors, and certainly doesn't go with the fireplace.

It didn't bother me as much when the obnoxious cable was running across the harth, but now that the cable is gone, the shoe kick bothered me.

When we redid the front door, we stained the shoe kick to match the floors, and I was completely amazed at how well our 'already had on hand from another project 5 years ago' stain blended in with the floors.  I have plans to do do something else to that fireplace, so I decided that I wanted to stain the shoe kick to blend in with the floors instead of painting it to match the fireplace.

So, one night this week, when my big 'ol body couldn't get comfy, and my hubs loud snoring wouldn't allow me to fall back asleep, I got up and stained the shoe kick.

I think this needs one more coat (we did two on the front door shoe kick) to officially be done, but I might have to enlist the helpful hubs to do the second coat.  Scooching around on my rear in the middle of the night to do this did not feel so awesome.  To be completely honest though, as of me typing this post, he has no idea that I even got up to do this, or that it's done.  I'd be in so much trouble if I got caught doing this in the middle of the night!  I'm pretty hard to slow down, even when I'm exhausted.

It looks much better than it did before though.  I'm happy it's not screaming out "hey, look at me, I don't match".  Because that, my friends, was getting annoying.

Hope everyone enjoys their 3-day weekend.  My tired body and tired brain are excited to have an extra day off of work.  Why in the world I thought it'd be a good idea to work up until Kalia gets here is beyond me.  For future reference for any of you guys, working up until your due date (and even possibly past...please Kalia come this weekend!), isn't recommended.

Keeping my fingers crossed hoping that Kalia comes by her due date, which is Monday.  I know, I know...enjoy the carefree life with just Chris and's just hard to enjoy when you can't breathe, sleep, or get up from low places on your own, let alone are a constant sweat ball from this amazing Florida heat.  Come on Kalia!!!  Yes, I think I said that I was ready for her to get here 3 or 4 times in this post. That's how ready I am though....

Happy Friday everyone!
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  1. Its the small touches that can make a big difference! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. this could be a very exciting weekend for you guys! can't wait to see...maybe we'll get to see kalia by your next post!

  3. I hope you get to meet your baby very soon! That's so exciting for you guys! Oh, and the stain job looks good too. =)

  4. Yes I am guilty of saying just relax and enjoy but I also know how it feels to be so over being pregnant and I cannot imagine how that feels living in a hot climate...I live in New Zealand and had my babies on the middle of autumn and the end of winter, when it is COLD! It is really really nice to have your body back to yourself (even if you do have a baby hanging off your boob for the next year or so, lol!) Hope that little lady comes soon!

    xx Karen

  5. Thanks girls!! I appreciate all of the well wishes!

    Restyled Vintage - you are most definitely not the only one telling us to relax and enjoy :-), but it is a hard task to do when this big 'ol body makes relaxing next to impossible!!

    I just can't wait for Kalia to get here! :-)


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