
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nursery Room - Rug

This past weekend was one of those where lots of things get done, but nothing gets finished.  I'm guessing I'll finish up Kalia's dresser this next weekend, and hopefully have it next week to show.  We finished up one other project, but we still have to put everything back in place before I can share.

Thankfully, I'm getting to the bottom of the list of things I have to build/do myself for Kalia's room.  Less than 9 weeks to go until my due date, and I feel like I'm slowing down  Chris asked me last week when I was going to realize that I was pregnant.  I told him that was an absurd comment, I'm carrying around this huge bowling ball of a belly!  He meant it as a when am I going to slow down kind of thing.  For those of you that have been pregnant/are pregnant, you probably understand the nesting / need to get things done NOW.  I take breaks...I take naps...I just start back up where I left off when I'm rested enough!

On Friday, Kalia's new rug was delivered.  I was so excited to just unwrap something and put it in the room instead of making it to put in there!

I know a lot of you liked the black / white rug that I had gotten from Anthropologie :

And I actually liked it better in the picture than I did in real life too.  The problem with the rug, minus the fact that the daybed cover is brown, was that it just felt entirely too busy.  My sister Jennifer and Erin can both attest to it!  You can't see it in the picture, but when you walked into the room, the rug almost felt ... psychedelic.  It almost hurt your eyes to look at...the pattern was just that crazy.  I actually thought about getting the green and brown one that's on their website, but they sold out before I got a chance.

I decided that I wanted more of an accent rug than a stand out rug.  I wanted something that complimented the room, but wasn't the main focus.  I've got a lot going on in there already, so something soft, comfy, and soothing was more appropriate for the floor.

Picture was taken on a rainy day...sorry for the quality image!  The walls are grey though...see image below!

One day I'm going to fix the basket liners.  They only drive me nuts after I've already uploaded the pictures!

I ordered this rug through The Land of Nod.  Once we get her dresser and glider in here, and add the crib bedding, I really think everything will tie together really well!  I also like that I can pick this rug up and move it into another room if I ever decide I want's neutral enough that it'll fit anywhere.  I'm not painting Kalia's dresser a real neutral color, so hopefully my final vision of this just complimenting everything once it's all in there plays out.

On a side note, we'll never be able to get a dark haired dog.  We take into account Kodi's hair color for all of our flooring decisions.  Hmmm...if Kodi's that spoiled, I wonder how Kalia's going to be!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!  Happy Tuesday!

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  1. Much, much better! My eyes were playing tricks on me with the other rug ;-) I like this one.

  2. Very cute room!
    We use to plan all out decisions around our sweetie pie shed machine Lab Clover! She was light like Kodi so sticky tape rollers were our best friend!!

  3. I love the room! The curtains, wow! And the wall of books - so cute! I was going to say that I was a new follower, but I'm already following you hehe! Whoops!

    ~ ~


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