
Monday, March 14, 2011

Nursery Room - Daybed

On Wednesday, I showed you my mis-adventures in pillow making.  The reason I needed five new pillows is because one of my daybeds from the daybed room landed a new home in the nursery.  That's been my plan for their more permanent home all put them in our "someday kids" room, which has now become Kalia's nursery.  I really like the idea of having a place where Chris can sit and hang out too while I'm nursing.  It'll also be a fun place to read Kalia's books to her when she gets a bit bigger.

I drew out the plans for this room, but still wound up changing my mind on placement.  Initially, the daybed wound up on the closet wall :

I took this picture for my own see how everything tied in together.  And now it's the only picture I can find of the daybed along that wall. Sorry that I don't have a better picture of the daybed with all of the pillows and nothing extra on it!

Location wise, it was okay there, but it was kind of the star of the room, and I really want Kalia's crib to be the star.  I also didn't like that it pretty much completely covered up Kalia's toybox from view when you walked in.  I let it sit there for a few weeks to think and process it.  Do any of you guys do that?  Move something, then see if it'll grow on you?

That area rug is another one of those things...I left it down for a bit to see if it would grow on me, and it didn' don't get too excited about seeing it in that space.  It's on the list of things to return relatively soon!

On Saturday, I had Chris help me move the daybed to the wall next to the bookshelves.

I think it's found it's permanent home...

At least for now anyways!  From the view above, it looks like the daybed is a lot closer to the bookshelves than it really is.  There's another image later on where you can see that there's still walking room to grab a book on the lower shelves.  Here are the views from when you walk in Kalia's room :

Too bad I don't have more of a panoramic lens...but you get the idea now that the daybed isn't covering up Kalia's toybox anymore.

The pile of frames that were on the bed in the first picture are what I want to hang above the daybed, but I needed to make sure that I really liked the placement of it before I put any holes into the wall.

So far for Kalia's nursery, we've built everything.  We have one more major thing to finish building, and then we're putting up our saws and getting onto the decorating!  That actually kind of makes me sad...I'm much better with power tools than I am with crafts, so we'll see how the rest of her room turns out!

And now for my favorite part, the before and after!  Which I'll do again once I get something on these walls, but it still amazes me every time I put up an image that we started with after we emptied out what was once the junk room.

After : Removed carpet, installed flooring, painted walls, painted baseboards, removed old intercom and patched hole, hung curtains, built and hung bookshelves, moved daybed that we'd previously built in here, made new pillows for daybed, painted ceiling, installed new fan (barely visible, but you can see how much more light is in here), and installed new window.  Whew!!
You can see from this viewpoint that there's still room to walk / stand between the bookshelves and the daybed.  It makes me so happy to think of Kalia toddling up to pick out her book, and the three of us cozying up on this bed to read them together.  Beyond happy...beyond excited...words really can't begin to express it!

Stay tuned for a big project reveal later on this week!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Happy Monday!

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  1. What an amazing room. I am stuck on what to do to my girls room. Thank you for the inspiration. Hope to see you over at DIY Home Sweet Home. I am having a link party today and every Monday so be sure to stop by and see all of the great projects.

  2. The day bed fits right in! Great Job!!

  3. Oh it looks great!!! And I think I like the bed by the books better too!!!

  4. It looks totally fabulous! I love all the colors you chose and the open concept of the closet! Great job!!

  5. That room is beautiful! I love everything you've done with it. =]


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