
Monday, October 4, 2010

Blue Magic : Exterior Lighting

What a weekend. I'm exhausted, and it's only Monday!

There's one more area that needs to get painted before the pool paver guys arrival in ONE week (woo hoo!).

On a side note, as I was looking through these pictures picking one for this post, I couldn't help but laugh at Kodi.  In everyone he's making some sort of funny expression.  I don't even think I realized he was in the shot when I took it.  Goofy dog...he's such a camera ham!

Chris and I thought this area would be pretty easy.  A little bit of trim work, roll, and wala.  Or not.  We had to take off the satellite dish that hasn't been used in who knows how long, and since the previous owners painted most of the boxes and wiring (most of it's for the pool equipment), we had to too.  Oiy.

Friday night we took down the satellite dish and Chris pressure washed.  This side was diiir-ty.  I had to let it dry all day Saturday, so it was Sunday before I could get started out here.

Sunday morning I got up and trimmed as much as my 5'7 self could (holy highness!).  I decided while painting all of the equipment boxes and wiring that I wanted to do something different for those outside lights.  We want to replace them eventually, but there's a loooong list of things to buy, and these don't quite rank at the top, so I wanted to add a little pop of color to the lighting in the meantime.

Heelllooo Krylon Spray Paint in Blue Ocean Breeze.

I just removed the jar, lightbulb, and sprayed a few light coats of the blue on the lighting.

And then painted around it with my Sandstone Cove while I was edging.

Oh, you want to see how it looks with the new paint job for the house?!

Well, me too...but Chris did school work ALL DAY Sunday, and I'm only 5'7, so I only could paint up to a certain height before having to call it quits.  I'm pretty positive and confident that I can do anything.  The problem is I'm also clumsy and accident prone, so me up on a ladder that's leaning against the house trying to finish getting this trim just wouldn't be smart.  I got as much as I could with our 8 ft ladder.

Our neighbors are probably thinking 'what the hey?!?!'  Eh, maybe we'll finish it up sometime this week.  But till can admire my pretty new blue light.

Just the pop of color I was looking for!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Happy Monday!
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  1. how fun! i think that's awesome that you went so bold there. good for you guys!

  2. got your comments over the weekend to my, didn't see that coming huh?!? good thing y'all decided to take a weekend off and stay home for that one. yikes! it was a hard game to watch, especially since I had to go back to a house full of die hard bama alums. i definitely thought it would be way more of a game than that, but bama is just good this year!

    ...but I like the blue lights! :)

  3. Kara, way to make it yours. I'll be trying to do pops of color soon too in our new home.

  4. I am now following you thanks to Meet Me Monday, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
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    Today we teach another one of our easy HTML tutorials, so make sure you don't miss it! Happy Monday!

  5. What a fun pop of color !!!! Looks great !
    thanks for sharing,

  6. Wow! I love your light! I wonder what the homeowner's association would say if I painted mine such a wonderful color?

  7. Haven't seen those lights before but I love the color and they go really well with your house style. Thanks for stopping by. Will check back to see your progress. Jane F.

  8. LOVE that color! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day :)

  9. Wow!! What a fun place to add a pop of color! Thanks for taking thyme to stop by my blog! Hope you will visit again soon!
    Happy Painting!

  10. What a great idea!

    This week is my blog anniversary and I'm hosting a week's worth of great giveaways. Feel free to stop by if you'd like!


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