
Monday, September 20, 2010

Pool Deck Makeover Part 2 : Painting the Trim

"Paint, paint, paint...all day long. Paint paint paint while I'm singing this song."  That was my theme song all.weekend.long.

Step two in getting the pool deck ready for paver installation (which is next week...woo hoo!!) was to paint all of the trim after we finished painting the ceiling blue.  We wanted the blue to pop, and the dull, grayish white color that existed previously just wasn't doing it for us.

Chris used a small roller last weekend to roll as much as he could of the trim.  Last week, I went around every night after work, until there was no longer daylight, with my paint brush, and slowly but surely worked my way around it all.  The difference that a fresh coat of white paint makes is amazing.

I have a standing Wednesday evening phone date with my Dad, so he got tucked into my sports bra and we chatted while I painted.  Who has time to take a phone break while doing house projects?!

My goodness...I did not realize exactly HOW much trim we had around the pool area, but we FINALLY finished it up on Friday (which means you'll have to stay tuned to see what else I was busy painting!).  We had three different layers of trim, and the poles to paint...and paint...and paint.  If you look back to part 1 of this makeover, you'll notice that the poles were chipped all over the place.

Ready to see how much the white makes our freshly painted blue ceiling pop?!

We had removed the eyeball covers of the lights when we painted the ceiling blue.  We gave it a good coat of primer, and a few good coats of exterior white gloss spray paint to freshen those up too.

 I think the worst part about doing the trim painting was the ladder.  I do have monkey arms, but I would have preferred about a 9 foot wingspan so I didn't have to make so many trips up and down my ladder to get this trim work done. 

The white against the blue really makes the blue stand out so much more.  There's absolutely no question that the ceiling is painted blue now, and everything just feels so crisp, fresh, and airy out there.

So, what do you think?  Do you think my hours upon hours of painting the massive amount of trim white was well worth it?  And you know we're not going to leave that caulk line that you see above on the exterior of our house way, no how!  Stay tuned for another post this week to see what else we've got up our sleeves!

Happy Monday!  If you haven't already, don't forget to check out this past Friday's post and leave a comment for a chance to win a $35 CSN gift card!
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I'm linking to the fun parties listed in my sidebar...go check them out!


  1. It looks fantastic!! Great job!!

  2. Looks so nice!! It is very crisp and clean. =)

  3. that looks so great and refreshed. i still have trim i want to paint that has been neglected for 3 years! oops!

    hope you're not feeling too sore after all that.

  4. I absolutely love the idea of blue ceilings on porches! Want to come do porch next?

  5. This is beautiful! Lots of dedication on your part. . .and it looks like it was well-worth it!!

  6. Clean trim makes a huge difference and worth the headache, literally from having to look up and reach your arms up all day! Looking good!

  7. Hi, Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments. Wow! You have been busy. Love the blue ceiling (I am a fan of blue ceilings, I have one with clouds in my enty hall) The whole project looks great; good job.(-: All that trim - so difficult to do. Take care,

  8. That does look great!! The blue ceiling totally pops!! Great job:)
    I think your phone date with your dad is totally cute too:)

  9. That blue ceiling is AMAZING, Kara! I absolutely adore it! Love the picture of you on the phone with your dad -- :) CUTE! You certainly are puting in TONS of time -- and it's totally paying off!

  10. All you need now is a little tiki bar action! What a cool, Caribbean vibe that color combination has. Excellent choices.

  11. Good Lord, what a job! But it looks great, Kara. I gotta hand it to you. I woulda flaked, I'm afraid.

  12. It's looking good! I did a post a week or so ago about the tradition of blue porch ceilings. It keeps the "haints" away! Lucky you - your pool deck won't be haunted!

    I hope you don't mind. I linked your post to my PORCH AND GARDEN PARTY at

  13. Love that soft blue color. It looks GREAT! Thanks for sharing your “creative mojo” with me on Thrilling Thursday. I hope you will be back again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  14. Thanks for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day :)


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