
Monday, September 27, 2010

Napkin Pillows

My living room finally has all of its pillows back after this weekend. Which means yes, I finally got around to making my second set of napkin pillows.

I started, again, with my two napkins facing each other, and then used my fabri-tac to go around the seam.

You should wind up with an inside out looking pillow like this.  Unfortunately, I didn't have anymore extra pillow inserts left, so I had to shove this one with batting.  I think I over-shoved, or didn't break it up enough or something, because it turned out a little lumpy.  That's okay though, it'll wear down eventually, I'm sure.  And if it doesn't, well, I'm sure the 'kids' won't know the difference!

The Fabri Tac stuff is STRONG.  I beat and beat and pulled on these pillows to try to smooth it all out.  That's MY kinda no-sew job!

Here's the pillows in their new home with their fellow pillows.  They're so happy there...they don't even realize that they were once napkins!

And here's a last full room shot.  If you'd like more step-by-step instructions, check out my other post on how I made the first set of napkin pillows, which are the flowery ones on the right daybed.  Just a few more things left to do in this room to get it finished day!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Mine wasn't as productive as I would've liked, but I did get a few smaller things done.  Stay tuned to see what else I finished up!

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I'm linking to the parties in my sidebar...go see what everyone else is crafting!



  1. Great pillows!! I love making pillows from napkins and dishcloths!! There are so many fun designs out there for them....not to mention how durable they are. Great job!!


  2. i have got to try this! i have a few inserts lying around, now all i need is that tape stuff and some napkins. such a great idea!

  3. Oh I love that room!! Especially since you have so many pillows!!

  4. You need to check out for some ideas on curtains. I sent you an email a long time ago about my no sew curtains I made with hot glue, but fabritac should work too! Can't wait to see more! :)

  5. Awesome pillows! I am now hooked on making pillows and my husband thinks I have lost my mind. I have been looking for couch throw pillows for so long but they are so expensive- this is just what I needed. Thanks!

  6. Great pillows! Those daybeds look like a nice place to sit and relax.

  7. hi kara:)
    I come form Europe, and i realy like the idea of you having a link party...... I hope I'll meet a lot of new blogers........
    I realy like your blog.......
    You can check out my blog at

    greeting from Croatia:))....

  8. Did I ever tell you about the curtains my sister made with a hot glue gun? Other than finding some strings of glue the first few days, they came out great and are still holding up two years later. My mom made fun of her for it but I kept thinking, sounds like my kind of sewing! (my mom used to make all of her clothes and some of ours when we were little so she's a sewing snob) I'll have to buy my sis a bottle of fabri-tac for christmas :-)

  9. Hey! I just love those! I hope you don't mind, but I featured your beds on my site today! I LOVE them!
    Let me know!
    P.S. I am your newest follower! Such a fun blog!

  10. Those are SO CUTE! I love how the whole day bed display turned out. Great job.
    Thank you for linking up with Get Your Craft On. If you would add a text link in your post to Today's Creative Blog, my SEO addiction would be very pleased.
    Thanks Doll.

  11. How funny! I made pillows about a month ago with the SAME yellow napkins from Target! Love yours! :)

  12. Fabulous! Love this idea. Need pillows for my house, and now I'm going to look at napkins since they have fun prints! Thanks for the idea :)

    Stopping by from Night Owl Crafting :)

  13. The result is so professional and attractive! Excellent work!

  14. What a great arrangement of pillows. It's so fun to use napkins--you can get some unique prints for little money.

  15. Wow, those are awesome! What a great idea, I was reading in an old Home & Gardens design book about sewing four buttons onto a pillow and attatching a napkin {that way you can un-button to change up your look when you get bored}. Very cool huh? I really like the pattern you chose too!


  16. Love, love, LOVE those pillows, Kara! They go PERFECT on your daybeds -- thanks for that idea for our sunroom, BTW! And all your ideas -- I LOVE them for our little space! :)

  17. Wow what a great idea!


  18. You know it never occurs to me to use Fabri-Tac. You're inspiring!

  19. Another GREAT idea!!! Thanks for sharing it at Thrilling Thursday :)

  20. Wow! All those pillow together look amazing!!

  21. Wow, thats an awesome idea for pillow covers! I love the fabri tac glue idea, i've been wanting to make some pillow covers but dreading pulling out my sewing machine!

  22. I featured you today:

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  23. OH wow, how cool! I am not a sewin gal at all..I think I could pull these off. Thanks for the inspiration.

    I am loving your blog..hope you'll come visit me over at Free 2 Be Frugal sometime.

  24. Ahh!! I need to try to do this. It looks so easy, yet so great.

  25. I was just googling ideas for two napkins I bought at a thrift store today and they were the EXACT same napkins you used to make these pillows. Strange!

    Thanks for the idea!


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