
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey You!!!

Yeah, YOU!!! The 180 + followers I have over there ...

And you too feed readers and email subscribers...

Today is the LAST full day to enter the CSN $35 gift card giveaway.  So GO enter!

I really want your feedback on my blog, so I'm bribing you with a chance to win $35 for it!!

That is all...

Happy Thursday!  I hope YOU win!!!  Click here to enter!!  (Yes, I posted the link twice.  That's just in case you missed it the first go-round!)

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment or subscribe to the feed reader to get future posts delivered to your reader.

1 comment:

  1. i just saw that you made a button. it's so cute! i wish i knew how to do that, lol. i just use part of my header.


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