
Friday, July 9, 2010

Flower Power : Welcoming Guests

Today, my D. Mom and Step-Dad are heading over for a fun-filled family weekend. I love flowers in my entry way vase, but didn't have time to run to the store to get some, so I brought the outside in and got creative.

I absolutely love these little pink flowers that bloom on our tree in our back yard, so I cut off a few branches, and added some of another tree that blooms and smells oh-so-sweet to my vase.

A nice, easy, freebie way to spruce up and welcome our guests when they come in.

Do you have any creative, fun, and easy ways to spruce up a bit before company?  

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!  I'm linking up to these parties...make sure to check them out!
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  1. I love having fresh flowers when people come over! It seems like my yard fails to cooperate at the right times though. I love those little flower on your tree. Too cute! Thanks so much for stopping by today for NFF!! Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Your flowers are just beautiful and I love how cheerful they look in that lovely vase.

  3. Hi friend! The pink flowers are Oleanders (in the same family as plumeria or frangipani). And I'm pretty sure the little white ones are Crape Myrtle blooms from what I can tell in the photos. Landscaping 101 by Jenny, haha!
    Looks beautiful in your house!

  4. Thanks for the compliments!!

    Thanks for the names Jenny! The white ones ARE from my Crape Myrtle, but I had no clue what the pink one was called!!



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