
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Fun

It was a rainy 4th of July on the West Coast of Florida (thanks Alex!!!), but we still tried to make the most of it. After our plans for beach volleyball and grilling got rained out, we did a few things around the house, and then headed out, in the rain, with our bikes in tow.

Poor Kodi though...he hates fireworks, and he hates thunderstorms, so he spent most of the weekend either under my jeans in my side of the closet (please excuse my mess):

And a close up of his pathetically sad face:

Or he went outside with me, and when it started raining too hard, he'd come pout in the garage by my projects:

He's mad that I haven't figured out a way to turn off the rain yet.

Okay, enough of my pathetically cute 80 lb baby, back to us and our bikes.  We put on our rain coats, rain hats, and parked a few miles away from the festivities, grabbed our backpack with our necessities, and headed out on our bikes.  

When life hands you lemons...

We were so happy we made it out to see the 4th of July fireworks...they were so beautiful, and the night cleared up perfectly!

And, I've got to post one of Chris's favorite part...the finale!

4th of July fireworks = Happy (smelly, sweaty, and wet) Hart's!

What about you guys?  Did your 4th of July plans get rained out or did you get to see a fun fireworks show?  I'd love to know!  I'm liking to Shutter Love Tuesday's over at Trendy Treehouse!  Go check out what other fun firework pictures everyone's posting!

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